Again, I don't know your upload speed, but the usual private household has around 30-40Mbit, which is not nearly enough to transfer large games quickly. It would probably be quicker to driver over to your house with a thumb drive and get the games that way
This is not ment as a Plex for Games, since you can't stream the content and most people won't bother downloading dozens of gigabytes from a private households upload speed. It's just a neat way to organize your DRM free games so that you and people in your local network can install and manage them easier
So sehr ich aus wenn ich Anno spiele und meine sorgfältig gebaute Balance zerbricht und meine ~~Sklaven~~Südseeinsel in eine Bevölkerungsabwärtsspirale fällt die meine Exporte in die Alte Welt gefährdet und damit den dortigen Wohlstand sowie meine Steuereinnahmen
Ich geb dir natürlich Recht, dass man sowas nicht über Menschen denken sollte, aber der Autor unterstellt ja lediglich def Politik diese Meinung zu vertreten. Verurteilt du auch einen Autor, der über Nazis schreibt und deren Idee eines "Untermenschen" beschreibt?
You don't really need much documentation. You set it up on windows once, which is pretty intuitive and then you copy the config to your server and run it headless. It pulls your library in fixed intervals. I haven't touched it once in the year it is running now
Just like Google Assistant
Shoutout to Libation, that allows you to download and deDRM your Audible library.
That's why I'm not afraid of nuclear war. I'll just be turned into a fine carbon dust and it'll be over
Lol, how about fuck no? What right do they think they have to just 'resettle' them?
The only one that backed Hungary's bullshit was Poland and they recently had a change in government and are in general not a big fan of Russia or the way Hungary is sucking up to them
Ah, sry. Thought you were the guy who thought this was the doom of indie game Deva or something