
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 14 points 2 months ago (8 children)

I wonder if it has to do with the age of the player. I grew up playing old games, not first gen games but on commadore and such, ms-dos games. Win 3.1, SNES, etc. Graphics in games have never really meant much, sure pretty is pretty but I'm more than happy to play around with noita for a couple hours, simple art styles, blocky textures. I am also fine jumping in to cyberpunk or mgs or last of us or anything newer. As long as I find the gameplay fun that is first and foremost the most important part. IDGAF about multiplayer, to me multiplayer was a cop-out in the late 90s early 00s to not have to actually make decent games, and I still stand by that. IDGAF about stupid features. You make a game I find interesting and I'll likely play it, You make a game that looks pretty and has shitty gameplay I won't even spit in its general direction.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 months ago

Right? Its something i've never understood about the americans not wanting to vote for democrats because of a stick up their ass, so instead they stay home, dont make any effort for actual change, expect it to come to them and then act all hot and bothered when the worst possible outcome occurs.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Maybe where you live, but no. Today is actually the 12th of december. Yanks like to say thats how it is but I have never, or rather rarely, heard them call their independence day July 4th. It's always 4th of July. So, no. Its not the speech order.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

would of took

would have taken. Even without took/taken. would have, could have. never of. The confusion comes from would've could've.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 months ago (1 children)

So they just set up hosting for the site or service in a locale that doesn't have those laws.

Now what?

[–] [email protected] 12 points 3 months ago (1 children)

The worst thing about investment properties is that it raises for bar for entry into owning a home for others. Lets say someone started renting, got some capital together got a house paid it off through hard work. Kudos, thats cool. Then they buy a second house and use the rental income to pay the mortage or whatever. Over time buying more and more. Eventually it's not feasible for people starting out to do the same thing. The owners all own and have multiple streams of income, allowing them to own more and pay more. Pushing up prices and edging out new home owners. Go back 20-30 years and see the difference. It used to be possible for single income households to buy a house but not anymore. Shit, its getting to the point where dual income households are starting to struggle.

Then theres the airbnb effect. Some houses on airbnb and similar are close to the areas weekly rental price for a night. Even if its hald the weekly rental cost for a night, thats still less than 3 months they need to 'lease' out the house to break even with a tradional rental. Some places have absolutly shit rental access due to the abundance of short-term stays. This too, causes rental prices to increase.

Look at the homeless problem that is going on in most western natiions, this isn't the traditional homeless issue caused by drugs or debt or what ever bad outcomes there are. It's a supply issue, caused by too many houses in too few hands. You have working families living in cars or tents all because there is nowhere to live. Which again, leads to higher rental prices due to lack of supply.

Nobody should own more than one house, and if they do, the rent should not cost more, or even equal to a mortage on the house. Rentals should be stepping stones for people after they first move out of home, or seperate from a partner or move locations. They shouldn't be a thing that people have to live in all their lives.

Also, leftist.... ffs. grow up.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 months ago

Given that both parties, on a global scale are right of centre that makes sense. Dems are right of centre and more similar to most other nations right wing parties and that just pushes the republicans further right. You have no left wing party, just a party that is more left than the other.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

You can add non-steam games to steam if thats what you mean. Theres a launcher called hydra which does, things. Playnite is a launcher I use that I plug all my other accounts in to and launch all games thru that. There are also ways to unlock dlc and stuff but that will require a little bit of research. Havent sailed the seas for games in a while.

TLDR; Yes you can add otherwise aquired games to steam. For the most part

[–] [email protected] 17 points 6 months ago (1 children)

First moved out in the early 00s, rent was anywhere 75-150/w depending. Friends had 2 room units in complex for 95/w. Not even 2 or 3 years later rents were at 200-250/w. Now those same units wont be under 400.

I know airbnb and such arent the sole reason, but when they can rent out their house where nightly prices 350+ where rents are at least 400/w they can rent the place for not even 2 months a year and get the same as if they were renting it out the traditional way. So, naturually there are less longer term rentals available, pushing prices up. We have whole towns which are tourist areas where people cant get a house to live in because of airbnb shit. I'll liikely never own my own home because im paying at least 65% of my income on rent, how the fuck can i save. Fuel, food, energy. Everything going up except wages.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 7 months ago (2 children)

Retention for 90%+ of providers is at least 4500 days for binary files and 110000 days for newsgroups. Have two providers, one monthly and one block, that run on different backbones with one that takes down for dmca and one that doesn't and you'll be fine. There are very very very few shows or movies that you can't get. Don't have to worry about VPN, ratios, trackers or any of that other crap.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago

Is battery optimisation turned on for the app? For me with some apps if it is on it will run in the background but i guess pause it until I actually open the app again.

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