Are there really people capable of understanding this who aren't capable of understanding, for example, "tariffs increase inflation"?
In the US, the insurance should have continued until 26.
Are you sure your parents didn't drop you and blame the insurance?
Edit: I'm assuming you're in the US because of the lousy healthcare, but I suppose you could be in some other shithole country.
Check where the heat loss is occurring in your house.
Yeah, that was my first thought too.
You're gonna need to get those numbers up.
Did that have any noticeable effect on the policies or behavior of MIT?
Woken? You trying to make them woke?
Again? I thought income inequality already upended it.
If climate change upends it again, doesn't that mean it would be right-side-up?
Knowing the brilliance of Trump, I wouldn't put it past him to order the Navy to sink any ship that enters the canal before a US Navy ship.
Still. More people voted for this than didn't vote for this.
I don't want to pile on, but if less than 50% voted for this, then more than 50% voted against it. The people voting against it didn't vote for the same thing, but they did vote against this.
Will prices start going down now?