Love the colour of November and June is making me all hot and sweaty
what is yiff? is this safe to duckduckgo at work?
Just what an AI would say!
The way we are going, its for the best
that's brilliant! thank you, doing lords work! 👏
its easier to build mining infrastructure and then let russians take it over again
Sigh and here i was hoping that ad conpanies finally grew some balls instead of bowing down to foreign nazis... 😔
By the time il pop to the office next time it would probably be gone then 😭
Oh are they like electric/gas cabinets/fire gates then? just need a generic key? Fair enough I didn't know.
lol not doubting its a real place i lived in that neck of the woods a few months ago, but now its 2h each way and 40 quid off peak train for me + tube to check. Which is a little too much. I am just doubting that this made it through advertising standards and actually got posted. This would be controlled by TFL, so I would imagine they would also be previewing ads abot to be run.
Would be nice if we got a few more pixels... trying to convince some local colleagues to go check it out.
Nah i am talking about the bottom of the red roof. Could be paint peeling off or just weird ai dreams.
Moved out of London myself, otherwise this would have been a 30min trip to check for me. And i would.
its from multiple different animes