That didn't work out for the US as much as a lot of people expected it to. Stay vigilant.
It is. But if you fully and openly disclose that's what you're doing when selling a individual a personalized product for literally their own enjoyment, I don't see the harm.
Sure, the client isn't going to tell people that weren't there that it's all generated, but what's the problem? Someone might believe you were media-attractive 10 years ago at your wedding?
Photography probably put a lot of portrait painters out of business, but it didn't destroy painting as an art form.
Grab that bag, man.
Hi, I'd like to apply for a mortgage. No, just a kid's mortgage, thanks.
That was the very first thing I saw and it instantly made me trust the rest of the information significantly less.
Exactly! Like how hydro-power is a dead end and we shouldn't invest in it.
It's like, "guys, you know there's who cities that aren't by a river, right?"
Imagine being able to afford buying noodles. Like fully a-dude-cooked-me-these-noodles-at-his-noodle-stand noodles.
Or were we supposed to imagine Deckard thinking, "fuck it, I'll treat myself."
You're right in that this is not how families should be. They should be people you care about and trust.
Your family does get a pass for being family; you maybe don't share the same interests or lifestyle that would otherwise form a distance in childhood friends that eventually fizzles out, but with families this shouldn't be the case.
But then sometimes your family members end up (or you discover) they are bad people. Yet even then you may stand with them as they sell drugs or rob people or even have killed people; they're still family and what they've done can be understandable even if wrong.
Then there are Nazis and Nazi sympathizers, apologists, and supporters.
Families should stick together, but people also shouldn't be Nazis. So here we are.
Don't look up what some countries would consider "an illegally small prison cell".
At first I was going to complain about the need for punctuation, but now I'm jiving on "Okay, girl-fuck, you stay upset."
Now get a recording of a couple different gunshots and repeat the process. Problem solved!
They're just death-like symptoms. It's because he's autistic and it's a hate crime to investigate further.