How do other people like it, so far?
I enjoyed unlocking all the colors, it was a fun new concept (although visually challenging, everything was ugly and weird visual artifacts everywhere).
How do other people like it, so far?
I enjoyed unlocking all the colors, it was a fun new concept (although visually challenging, everything was ugly and weird visual artifacts everywhere).
.. het is vermoeiend. De hele tijd via de rechter proberen te voorkomen dat je iets aan het milieu moet doen.
BBB wilde toch met Europa praten over de gemaakte afspraken? Hoe is dat eigenlijk gegaan?
Yeah there are soooo many servers out there. Joining Discord is the way to find them (unfortunately).
Okay, sure, do fast. Then:
Change management! :-)
Or, if possible, change employer.
(And I know we're in meme-land, but I always see it as a developer's task to inform of the trade-off between fast and good)
Thank you! I've looked into PARA, and ... Area's and Resources seem quite close? The difference is that Area's are driven by duty/responsibility while Resources are driven by interest? How do you divide the two?
I think I already have this division in my work-life. We have tickets that have clear targets (projects), we have a wiki for useful information (long-term).
I will keep it in my head while organizing my private life.
thank you! This sounds very useful, I will try it. And the actual real-life experience of wasting the first 2 tries is very helpful :)
Don't you need to declare new Balls() first? Or do you suck() Balls static?
Geyser had some issues lately. I run geyser standalone on a vps on the web, the server itself is in my home. The geyser server would sit at 100% CPU all the time. From what i understand: they had an issue recently that would hackers use geyser to run DDoS attacks. It was fixed but the hackers still try to connect. All the time.
I don't know if it is released yet (check their Discord) but they quickly released a patched version that would rate limit connection attempts (block the IP after X attempts). This fixed the issue for me.
You can rent a vps for 4$ / month, Forgejo for server is open source.
Ah, nice. Thanks! :-)
Just curious ... what does this mean for signal - does the Guardian Project do funding / infrastructure / code? I don't really know them.