Not sure about DPRK but Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and China all had incredible growth at some points but none came even remotely close to the economic growth of USSR from 1929-1955 under Stalin’s Five-Year Plans.
The United States had von Braun and the entire V2 rocket team, together with intact copies of V2, and still lost to the Soviets in the ICBM race who had to reverse engineer everything from scratch!
And by the way, the V2 was a really really shitty rocket compared even to R-2 (the first Soviet designed rocket after replicating V2/R-1), and they can’t even be compared to the R-7, the world’s first ICBM. That’s how far they took the technology forward.
The Russian Civil War from 1917-1922 created massive destruction with millions of casualties, together with great famines that were partially caused by petty bourgeoisie destroying their stock. The bourgeoisie would rather burn down the country rather than having the communists have them. That was why Lenin had to introduce NEP because supplies and goods were in such shortage that they could barely get their economy going.
Stalin said in 1931:
We are fifty or a hundred years behind the advanced countries. We must make good this distance in ten years. Either we do it, or we shall be crushed.
Socialist industrialization was what saved the world from Nazism.
It was comparable to Western Europe even without the Marshall Plan, what are you talking about lol. This is 1950 we’re talking about, much of Europe was still in ruins thanks to Nazism.
Incredibly low compared to whom? The US that had a couple hundred years of head start from exploiting black slaves (where do you think all the wealth in the American South came from) and looting resources from overseas colonies?
The fact that the USSR was able to close the gap in such a short period of time was exactly the reason of widespread anti-communist propaganda, the meddling of political affairs in post-war Europe including arming fascists through Gladio to destroy the European left, and ironically, financial aid to rebuild Western Europe because they were really afraid of workers uprisings bringing post-war Europe towards the Soviet sphere.
You said the standards of living in the USSR in 1950 was “incredibly low”, have you ever lived in former British and French colonies in Asia?
Many countries in Asia still haven’t yet achieved independence by 1950, and I can assure you that the standards of living in the USSR was already leaps and bounds beyond most of the world at the time, and comparable to post-war Western Europe and would have easily surpassed them if Western Europe never had the luxury of receiving the vast amount of financial aid from their American masters through the Marshall Plan.
No offense but we have pronoun tag on this site for a reason. Not a him btw.
Not sure I get what you mean. The Soviet industrial capacity already far surpassed the German industry even before the end of the war. This was why the Soviets won, not the Germans. The Germans already ran into severe supplying issues for their military equipment after 1942, the Soviets never really faced this problem as they had a solid industrial base that was already in full swing before the Nazi invasion, and rapidly expanded during the war.
They did however gain access to some high tech instruments (for example, German-built gyroscopes for V2 rockets which was far ahead of anything the Soviets had at the time), but much of the critical high tech military industries had been destroyed during the retreat to prevent them from falling into the Soviet hands. The entire leadership and high ranking scientists of the V2 rocket project, for example, surrendered to the Americans.
I am Marxist-Leninist-Bidenist (MLB)
They’re just a bunch of tankies who think they’re edgy by licking Putin’s boots. I can’t wait to see their COPE when President Biden inevitably brings us closer to socialism than all those tankies could only dream of in their fantasy revolutions that will never arrive.
I will remind you that the USSR restored its economy to pre-war standards in just 5 years, after losing 27 million people and incalculable cost of destruction, while keeping pensions and social safety nets intact, without relying on foreign aid and investments like the Marshall Plan, and without degrading workers’ rights and wages.
There is not a single country in the history of humanity that can even remotely approach this level of economic and social achievements. None.
Putin who was Prime Minister at the time actually openly criticized President Medvedev for not vetoing the resolution at the UN Security Council [resolution number 1973]. This was the first major fallout between Putin and Medvedev back in 2011.
Medvedev was very keen to please Obama, among many things he signed a massive deal with Boeing that led to the disintegration of the Russia aviation industry, one of the last legacies of the Soviet Union. It’s a miracle that they still managed to revive the industry somewhat with the MC-21, and this effort has since been helped greatly by Western sanctions after the war in Ukraine.