
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

Try Lego Masters from other regions. I'm guessing you are watching the USA version and I know my kids have enjoyed the Australian version way more. All a matter of taste of course in what works for you especially in terms of something like a show host.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Nope what fell out of the sky was the wizard holding the scrolls that give you an insanely high magic jump that kills you in impact on the other end if you don't prepare.

The boots of blinding speed and worn by someone that is effectively blind when you meet them. Don't remember the name. Fun thing is you can just infinitely try sneaking around them and always keep gaining skill since they always fail their roll for if they see you which gives you the exp.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago

I hear people say all the time that it is perfect. It definitely has imperfections.

However while I will insist on it being imperfect it has still been my number one favorite game for at least two decades.

It is easily the closest to perfect I think you could possibly ask for with the hardware limitations and the fact that teams don't have magical infinite time or budgets. Anyone with even a slight interest in RPGs should play it.

Plus it gave us the musical career of Yasunori Mitsuda

[–] [email protected] 14 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I had a 1980 year Oldsmobile 98 that didn't have as many crazy issues as yours but did have one amazing one.

Driving home one evening from college classes the headlights didn't work so I took it into the shop.

Couldn't find anything normal as a cause but I had one of those old time small town mechanics that couldn't stand to lose to the car. So he said he wouldn't charge us for the extra work hours if he could keep it as a project until he was done. Took over three weeks of him going through the wiring and finally found a harness/wire that had worn through and was grounding to the car frame.

So far nothing too weird for an old car. The bizarre part is that he had good current equipment and it is supposed to test if a wire is grounded out like that to the frame or even if it is broken by kicking signals along it like you can to find damage to Ethernet cables.

So with that tester in hand and knowing without question what the problem was he hooked it back up and it still reported nothing wrong. He called the manufacturer and they said as far as they know that violates the laws of electricity.... Worked fine with the new wires so again definitely correct and his tool worked on everything else he ever tried it on.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 month ago

Might have missed it but still shocked that there are only a couple models that go for more than one USB-C port.

I have been of the opinion that the adapters are acceptable because you gain flexibility with things like external DACs, which several people have brought up, but having to trade between charging and wired devices or a truly overkill dock style dongle just seems so silly when phones absolutely have the space to put two ports.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

Make sure it is a high speed rated one and past that good luck. It depends on what kind of wiring setup is hidden in your walls.

Wi-Fi might actually have higher peak speeds but even a repurposed/double duty wire setup like this is just so much more consistent assuming it works in the first place.

I have had good luck with a set I have that are gigabit rated (get about 280mbps in practice) across 4 different places I have lived however I temporarily pulled them so we could test at some friends apartments and one of them just didn't work at all so be aware that could happen and just have to return them.

[–] [email protected] 9 points 1 month ago (1 children)

PipePipe (a fork if I understand right) is working so looks like there is at least one workaround still possible.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

Ok this got my inner nerd going at max.

I think the interpretation of Star Trek weapons being more powerful is because their tech is so much more flashy. If you consider what actually gets destroyed on screen Star Wars is shockingly more powerful than I think you are all considering.

Goes over all this from an engineering view.

However the Trek side is generally massively more adaptable and specifically accurate firing. Also far far more willing to steal/reverse engineer tech so I'm inclined to still think one on one the Enterprise would win in spite of the engineering info I linked to above. Also Trek generally has better sensors but both are extremely sci-fi capable of most stuff.

If you are talking about full galaxy on galaxy all out war a bunch of people have already brought up logistics and in that Star Wars would demolish Every single Trek race. Trek has stuff like Dyson spheres etc. but they are always either ancient tech or a build over tens of thousands of years.

Star Wars builds multiple megaprojects per year like Death Stars and world ring sized shipyards like Kuat and that without a full sized war on just fighting rebels. Really just prestige projects to them. Don't get me started on the hilarious number of super weapons from the books and comics.

Also the hyperspace lanes limit on hyperspace travel is overstated. For super cheap transport craft that have junk level navigation computers it is just not worth going outside the known lanes but basically anything above that can figure out jumps with just a minute or two. No reason to think they couldn't send out bulk drones and map out anything they need extremely quickly or more likely just buy the info off someone. Plenty of races in Trek world join the Empire just for the cash.

Also transporters get blocked by all sorts of stuff all the time including just plain ole rock. Anyone assuming it would go through Stat Wars shields is crazy level of bias to your preferred universe. Now either doing it before they put the shields up or tricking them or using some tech sidestep to punch a hole in them and using transporters is extremely likely.

Again all back to one on one or full scale.

And with all that written wall of text ... Trek vs Wars is done to death. They really are apples to oranges with Trek being soft Sci-Fi and Wars being fantasy. I have mentally always mapped shows/books to how hard their setting is. Similar to this but I think of it as a 1-10 and Star Wars barely gets a 2 on my scale because it is at least semi internally consistent and gets physical scale right. Past that nothing really matches reality at all. Trek only gets about a 6 in my opinion because of the shear number of one off solutions that seem to be magically workable at that moment but somehow aren't at any other point.

A full 10 is just real life like the Apollo program. 9 is stuff like 2001 A Space Odesy or Randevuz with Rama. Yes both Arthur C Clark.

All that said Can we get some serious thoughts into others universe mash ups like the Warhammer vs Trek or something like that.

Or how about even more out of the normal like Titan AE. Slow? Almost no large scale logistics. But one insanely powerful piece of tech compared to basically every other sci-fi anything. Planet (not falling apart like Search for Spoken) production in a matter of hours and doesn't seem like it is a one off. They can make more with other astroid belts etc.

How about just the pure sillyness of trying Trek or Wars vs Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy. Cricket wars here we go.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 6 months ago

Bring back Sodium batteries and how to make them as well as solar panel production. Probably to Nikola Tesla.

To be a bit more precise whatever the easiest to produce versions of each are not the best ones so they could actually be produced at the tech level at the time.

I'm sure they would still end up creating equivalents of oil Barons etc. but at least it would be based on a cleaner tech and more able to improve from there.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 8 months ago

Yea link not working but have me curious if you can get a working one edited or respond.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago

As a self response I should add that since you asked about legality I'm this what it would take with the existing government structure. I think the chance of there being a full on revolution and government rebuild from the ground up is more likely than the idea above.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Would it work legally? Sure if it got passed as an amendment to the constitution. As currently structured there basically is zero legal argument with that other than another constitutional amendment.

The chance of that happening with the actual political situation in the USA is essentially zero. To be clear it isn't actually zero but I. The same way that your chance of walking out the door and dying by direct meteor strike isn't zero but it isn't worth planning for over a large number of far more likely things to happen.

If that amendment both directly allowed shared ownership of property for things like high rise apartments/condos and for companies to function as management but not owners I do really think it could work. I'm sure companies could abuse that management position of course but still a huge improvement over our current situation.


First post on the fediverse. Hopefully it auto loads the link photo but if not I'll put it as the first comment. Sorry for anything incorrect in handling this.


First post on the fediverse. Hopefully it auto loads the link photo but if not I'll put it as the first comment. Sorry for anything incorrect in handling this.

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