Labels allow expedient understanding of a philosophy, concept, belief system, etc. They're not pointless.
I need to clarify what I mean by this.
In the context of what I am thinking about the use of labels, I mean whenever people use labels to describe their out group, they use them as a dismissive tool.
For example, if you are not 100% pro-Trump and you say anything negative about Trump or his administration to somebody who has died in the wool, they will call you a liberal.
It has gotten to the point where anything that you say will get you labeled as woke or a liberal. So long as it is something that goes against magga and Christian nationalism.
Therefore, the political term liberal is all but meaningless.
Because it doesn't hold a unified definition across the aisles.
Besides this, political labels as a whole are mostly bullshit because people use them to describe themselves as being part of a group. But whenever you question them as an individual, you find out that they don't align with a lot of the shit that other people who use that political label ascribe to.
Similar to the first point 'Christian' is just the family name, I think what you're trying to describe are 'Christian nationalists', with emphasis on nationalist.
OK that's right. I suppose it's better to describe them as Christian nationalist rather than giving up the word.
But that doesn't dissuade from the fact that Christian now has a horrible smell about it.
It was such a stupid idea.
Time and time again, we have shown that humans want something that they can actively interact with in order to manipulate it.
Hence why I am sitting here talking to my keyboard on a phone that I can touch, rather than just conversing with a smart audio speaker to type this message out.
So, that's surprisingly to setup.
Use docker. I recommend just getting a dedicated Synology Nas and using the container manager (that's what they call docker in the os). Just get the two nvmes and some extra ram
I just updated my opens here's tumbleweed install and I saw that spectacle got downgraded.
Now I see this beautiful new spectacle version and I'm like, why?
I like how the toolbars are organized more now than the way that they were.