
joined 2 years ago
[–] VieuxQueb 2 points 1 day ago

Thanks a lot !

[–] VieuxQueb 2 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Are there any other links ? The links on thos page need logins and the google drive one is already access blocked.

[–] VieuxQueb 13 points 1 day ago (2 children)

And he singlehandedly stopped the war in Ukraine on day one like he said

[–] VieuxQueb 2 points 5 days ago

Catchy song.

[–] VieuxQueb 31 points 6 days ago (24 children)

Yeah I was on the fence about getting a Costco membership since I am single and dont shop much.

But just for the few times I need stuff that is available at Costco I will get a membership.

Even if I end up paying a little more overall.

[–] VieuxQueb 5 points 1 week ago

Price per 100g should not change.

[–] VieuxQueb 10 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

And when looked at closer it's mostly negligences not mistakes.

[–] VieuxQueb 10 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)


Nice idea.

[–] VieuxQueb 0 points 2 weeks ago

Probably all the same town groups. I wonder what is the lead level in those water.

[–] VieuxQueb 3 points 2 weeks ago

One more public toilet !

[–] VieuxQueb 1 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

Kool, that's what I figured. Does not really directly affect range but helps with battery longevity when fast charging.

[–] VieuxQueb 2 points 4 weeks ago

And I love the theming options such as transparency. I fell in love with Yakuake a loooong time ago and still love it ! Autohide on outside click and multiple tabbed terminals in the same super easy access window.


All searches in my town (Gatineau) list it as Ottawa but should be Gatineau.

Gatineau - Quebec - Canada Is not Ottawa - Ontario - Canada

It's very annoying and error inducing.


He is such a softie!


My new cat, her original owner passed away so she found a new forever home. She didn't take long to adapt and after less than a week she already owns the place !


Aujourd'hui j'ai tombé sur cet article... article

Mon interprétation... Je paye pas mes employés convenablement je n'arrive donc pas à avoir asser de main d'oeuvre et je vois les contrats me passer dans la face. Je vais donc dire aux jeunes de venir se faire exploiter et détruire leurs corps avec du travail difficile et dangereux pour la santé en leurs disant que c'est aussi valable que de rester à l'école et devenir avocat !

C'est tu moi où je suis devenu trop négatif ?


She is doing good. The vet gave her antibiotics, ointment for her eyes, some saline shots for her dehydration, cleaned her ears and eyes. Some medicated kitten food, and some medication for digestion due to the antibiotics.

Here is when I found Minie...


Poor little thing was alone in the middle of nowhere on the yellow line looking like a piece of wood, until it moved a little as I passed by. Had no other choice to take her home, feed her and now she is going to the vet today!


We need to wrap this plastic bottle in a plastic bag !


Here is my upstairs neighbor/friend/landlord new addition to the house !

Such a beauty! ❤️😍


I stumbled on this news and started wondering if it's legal. It seems to me it shouldn't, since it's pretty much doxing. But I don't know at all.


I use Connect, and it shows comment count but when I open the post I get no comments waaaayyyy too often, if I open the post in a browser I get all the comments why ?

It's really annoying and prevents good conversations.

I even get replys I can't interact with I see their comment un my notifications but I cant open it or reply.


Waiting patiently for her Christmas 🎁 presents !


J'allais m'endormir quand mon cerveau c'est posé une question ?

Y'as-tu des sacres québécois qui ne sont pas basé sur la religion ?

Je cherche et je trouve pas !

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