
joined 2 years ago
[–] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

I'd argue that the convention on genocide serves as a dictionary in this case. It's the most common and accepted definition, and it includes cultural forms of genocide, not just physical ones.

[–] 3 points 4 days ago

It can also mean displacement while genocide means the destruction, in whole or part, of a people. Things like the trail of tears are both: People were displaced, also, the US cared so little about native's lives that a quarter of the displaced straight-out died, which constitutes genocide. But it's in principle possible, and has occasionally happened, that the displacement doesn't go hand-in-hand with murder.

[–] 11 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

Einige Zeit zurück aber die Zahlen sollten noch ungefähr stimmen teilten nur die Hälfte der AfD-Wähler auch deren Politik, an die kommt man sicherlich noch ran aber gleichzeitig hat man andere mit geschlossenem Weltbild die, auch wenn sich die wirtschaftliche Situation im kleinen wieder verbessert, nicht einfach abspringen werden -- und um die geht's hier. Das ist großteils eine Sekte, die wird weiterhin Jünger suchen, und die brauchen EXIT, die Sektenberatung der Kirchen, was auch immer, die kriegst du mit Politik nicht denn bei denen ist das Problem nicht dass sie irgendwas nicht mitkriegen das ihre Meinung ändern könnte, deren Problem ist dass alles was sie von der AfD weglenken könnte so von ihnen umgedeutet wird dass es ihre Hingabe nur verstärkt. Geschlossenes Weltbild. Richtung Reichsbürger die dann irgendwann davon schwafeln dass Bernd Höcke rechtmäßiger Kaiser ist. Beweis? Die Leute sind so gemein zu ihm. Die wird man bekämpfen müssen wie Scientology.

“mit klassischen Mitteln dagegegnzuhalten.”

Ich hab' da "klassisch" als "lass mal drüber reden" interpretiert. Zu viele liberale "freier Markt der Meinungen" in den Öffis, zu wenig Verständnis dafür wie Faschisten das ausnutzen um eben jenen Markt abzuschaffen. Antifa-Theorie sollte mal Pflichtfach werden.

Ich seh' da drei Schienen die man gleichzeitig fahren kann und sollte:

  • Parteiverbot. Damit ist deren Hauptrekrutierungsmittel weg: Die Öffentlichkeit die sie in den Arsch geschoben bekommen. Ansonsten wären die nur so groß wie die MLDP (Auch Sekte, andere Politik).
  • Linke Politik. Also von mir aus wenn's jetzt sein muss auch rechte Politik aber sie muss sozial sein, einmal bitte bei Bismarck kopieren und is ja nun nicht so dass Adenauer keine Sozialwohnungen gebaut hätte. Das verringert die Anfälligkeit der Bevölkerung denn ohne Schicksalsschläge, diffuse Ängste usw. können sie nicht die Gehirne der Leute waschen.
  • Bekämpfung der Sekte an sich. Kenn mich da nicht so gut aus, finde es aber schon bezeichnend dass es hierzulande Scientologen gibt die mit der Mutterorganisation gebrochen haben und weitestgehend harmlos sind, unsere Zeugen Jehovas kompromissbereit sind usw, irgendwas machen wir da richtig. Wie sieht ne anständige Methadontherapie für AfDler aus? Skatverein mit Dackelkrawatte würde mir einfallen aber die gibt's schon, vielleicht bin ich einfach nicht spießig genug.
[–] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (4 children)

Or maybe they just hide their transphobia behind a thin veil of reasonable-sounding, legal arguments.

That's paranoia, not analysis, also, the CDU is too big to keep such a conspiracy secret. It'd rather look like the AfD's attempts to not look fascist. Also, they'd be facing opposition from the churches to... capture a sentiment that doesn't really exist outside of a couple of rabid people noone will tear away from the AfD, anyway? To discriminate against one of the first groups of people the Nazis persecuted?

They will use that topic for diversion in a pinch. It’s mostly meaningless to them, but they’ll happily jump at the chance to play off unemployed stoners against the hard-working middle class.

True, still those topics are a dime a dozen and first they'd have to actually desire a ruckus. Right now is the absolute worst time for that, they want unity and stability to a) face the existing geopolitical threats and b) look better than the traffic light and c) don't know whether they realise that but to weaken the AfD, which thrives on democratic parties bickering.

Everybody knew, and they must have known that they would only strengthen the Afd if they went all in on “bad foreigners” as the primary campaign topic.

And there was internal opposition! But CDU does as CDU does once Merz was elected leader, not so much because Merkel's wing would be weak but because the middle wing wanted to balance the scales, the rest of the party kept silent to only moderating slightly. They do that kind of thing all the time, shifting the external perception of the party by putting different people on the front. They might not be deep strategists but they know what strategy is and they have the internal discipline to follow through on it.

Side note did you notice Söder very much emphasising social stuff in the Union faction press conference. Fuck me if in the end it's the Bavarians causing a resurgence in social housing projects etc, actually combat the core reasons why the AfD surged. Maybe even sell it as a grand "Bismarckian" thing, ignore the AfD, say it's to keep the icky left in check.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Skynex/Gepard are 35mm and can take down drones just fine, I suppose the 30mm also uses precision airburst. If you don't disperse the drones it might happen that their fire control takes down five with three rounds. What I'm more worried about is number of rounds. Whether they need that calibre to do airburst properly or they keep it large so it can double as a third ground gun I don't know.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

It's a right-wing thing, they need that kind of ritual to distance themselves from the slide into fascism, being responsible for creating the preconditions, etc, and still in many aspects defending exactly such stances... just not to the point of utter, direct, active, barbarism. In that sense the Vergangenheitsbewältigung still isn't done, they still have introspection to do, still lessons to learn. It's kinda weird because when I look at the conservative base, the voters, the SME bosses, there's a fuckton of antifa sentiment there out of a sense of general dislike of barbarism, definitely in comparison to the same clientele in other countries, but then eeeew those antifas look left that's icky I can't tell diversity and barbarism apart both look chaotic. You need to go all the way to actual pastors to find people on the conservative spectrum who actually get it.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

All Turing-complete modes of computation are isomorphic so binary or not is irrelevant. Both silicon computers and human brains are Turing-complete, both can compute all computable functions (given enough time and scratch paper).

If non-determinism even exists in the real world (it clashes with cause and effect in a rather fundamental manner) then the architecture of brains, nay the life we know in general, actively works towards minimising its impact. Like, copying the genome has a quite high error rate at first, then error correction is applied which brings the error rate down to practically zero, then randomness is introduced in strategic places, influenced by environmental factors. When the finch genome sees that an individual does not get enough food it throws dice at the beak shape, not mitochondrial DNA.

It's actually quite obvious in AI models: The reason we can quantise them, essentially rounding every weight of the model to be able to run them with lower-precision maths so they run faster and with less memory, is because the architecture is ludicrously resistant to noise, and rounding every number is equivalent to adding noise, from the perspective of the model.

[–] 7 points 4 days ago

Protest voters be protest voting. Unless what they want is actually achieved they'll start hopping from party to party, usually in the direction of "this will be the greater middle finger to the establishment". It's people who think that kicking their car when it doesn't start will fix it.

[–] 9 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Six anti-drone radars, the weapon station gun is 30mm so not as beefy as a Gepard/Skynex but those are meant to take out more than drones. And, yes, AI-enabled targeting.

[–] 8 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

That's a very good question and I guess the answer is ask the constitutional court. Quoth §20 GVG:

German jurisdiction also shall not apply to representatives of other states and persons accompanying them who are staying in the territory of application of this Act at the official invitation of the Federal Republic of Germany.

This is international jurisdiction, though, also is it even legally possible to extend an official invitation to a known fugitive.

It gets even more complicated because even if the federation thinks that it should not apply an international warrant, that doesn't mean that the states think they shouldn't.

And then there's the whole political question, stances on the violence aside "let's just not arrest people when the ICC wants to put them to trial" is not a thing that's exactly popular among law-and-order-and-procedures CDU people. Their preference would be, if anything, to not have to think about the issue, that is, not have Netanyahu visit.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago

Er macht sich durch die Bloßstellung selbst verächtlich, setzt den anderen nicht weiter herab als sich selbst. Das ist mehr als eine "nette Packung", das ist ein Dolch mit zwei Klingen statt Griff.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago) (2 children)

Es macht einen nur kirre wenn man noch an diesem veralten Konzept einer Ehre fest hängt, was heute eher mit dem was landläufig Ego beschreibt gleichzusetzen ist.

Das sind komplett verschiedene Dinge. Ehre hat was mit Achtung zu tun und damit vom Würdebegriff nicht zu trennen. Und nur weil du das Opfer achtest bedeutet das nicht dass es nicht anderweitig verletzt wird. Es fühlt weiterhin soziale Aggression, Ausgrenzung, usw. Generell: Psychologische Gewalt. Das kannste vielleicht wegmeditieren aber dann sind wir bei Mönchen die sich selbst verbrennen, die den Instinkt zur Selbsterhaltung überwunden haben.

Ich finde schon dass es sich gehört dass der Lindner nicht einfach "Dreckspenner" sagen kann, sondern sich mit "Eure Armut kotzt mich an" begnügen muss: Die Achtung ist immer noch nicht da, dafür muss er sich aber immerhin selbst beschreiben und damit auch selbst bloßstellen. Damit ist dann ein gewisses Gleichgewicht hergestellt.


Videogames are being destroyed! Most video games work indefinitely, but a growing number are designed to stop working as soon as publishers end support. This effectively robs customers, destroys games as an artform, and is unnecessary. Our movement seeks to pass new law in the EU to put an end to this practice. Our proposal would do the following:

  • Require video games sold to remain in a working state when support ends.
  • Require no connections to the publisher after support ends.
  • Not interfere with any business practices while a game is still being supported.

If you are an EU citizen, please sign the Citizens' Initiative!

Bevy 0.14 (
Bevy 0.14 (
Bevy 0.14 (
Equality (
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/


120 days – roughly four months: That’s how much time Maxim Timchenko reckons Ukraine has until cold weather sets in, raising the pressure on Ukraine’s crippled power infrastructure. Timchenko is CEO of the country’s largest private energy operator, DTEK, which has lost power plants in recent Russian attacks – part of a Russian offensive that has wiped out half of Ukraine’s power production. He tells Steven Beardsley how he’s now trying to scrape together every bit of generating capacity he can find, including from renewables.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

Even more voter movement charts.

Bonus: "Do you think Germany's economic situation is good or bad?"

not even asking about personal economic conditions, just the overall state there's a massive fucking difference in perception.

Provisional results are in (
submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by to c/

For all your boycotting needs. I'm sure there's some mods caught in's top 10 that are perfectly upstanding and reasonable people, my condolences for the cross-fire.

  1. ! and ! Or of course communities that rule.
  2. !
  3. ! Quite small, plenty of more specific ones available. Also linux is inescapable on lemmy anyway :)
  4. !
  5. !
  6. ! and maybe !, itself seems to be up in the air. ! says ! They really seem to be hiding even from another, those tinfoil hats :)
  7. !
  8. Seems like ! and !, various smaller comic-specifc communities as well as !
  9. !
  10. !

(Out of the loop? Here's a thread on mods and their questionable behaviour)

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