And now do it without Google.
Ever heard of socialist Zionism, dumbo?
"Journalists flock to yet another proprietary, commercial platform as the last becomes increasingly 'toxic' for reasons unknown."
After changing the MTU to 1200 I have no timeouts anymore, but a lot of read ECONNRESET
errors. -.-
I just changed the Docker's MTU to 1200 and will observe the change.
So the MTU of Tailscale is actually 1280, but is the connection even going through the VPN or rather through my VPS, when Uptime-Kuma is trying to connect to my local domain?
Thanks, since I access my home network and server through the public IPv4 of a VPS via Tailscale this could actually be the issue. I'll look into it, when I find the time.
Not sure how this helps, but here you go.
Yeah, I suspect it's simply an issue on the side of DuckDNS. :/
Yeah, it works fine through my browser. Sometimes the websites load a little longer. I feel like it's an issue with DuckDNS as it's seemingly random when it works and when not.
IPv6 doesn't work:
docker exec -it Uptime-Kuma curl -6
curl: (6) Could not resolve host:
Besides that the issue has disappeares since last night. I automatically restart all containers at night and moved from uptime-kuma:1 to uptime-kuma:latest. That shouldn't make a difference, but maybe it did?
And it's not a typo in my config, but in my post. But good catch. ;)
This is also true for DivestOS as a whole.