"Not a single commercial was memorable "
The fact that commercials are seen as anything else than annoying is already strange to me. But reading that it really is seen as an entertaining part of the Super Bowl takes it to a whole other level.
I'd like to link two vids from a youtube channel which depicts neurodivergent behaviour in an accessible way. Note that these most definitely are not check lists or a diagnostic tool
Pixie-gags Sociopathy & Narcism
This is the funny cookbook. The author made it free to download. https://traumbooks.itch.io/the-sad-bastard-cookbook
Good of you to ask advice when recognising you experience problems. I'm not a professional cook, but I can cook well enough for it to be okay for other people. The problem in this case being that I learned by doing, trial and error and over a period of 15+ years now. Which means I can't give steps to follow or the advice that will trigger improvement. Since I don't know what your knowledge or experience entails, I'll share the broadest of advice. (Even though NT people would find it too basic and might get offended. This is not my intention and I hope you will ignore every part which you deem redundant )
To summarize, a.k.a. TL;DR:
I hope you can find a bit of use in some of this advice.
My go too recipe is cooking (not boiling) garlic, onion, bell pepper and another vegatable in a pan (wok?). Depending on spices or sauce I serve it with rice, noodles/ramen or pasta. "Another vegetable" can change per day too switch things up and not eat the same thing everyday. I love zucchini (though dislike the English word for it), celery and/or carrots as the extra vegetable. But anything can work!
Also, I've found a funny cookbook which may help. It's full of dark humour. Not to be taken too seriously, but it has helped me with the confidence too cook what I need. The premise of the book is "you need to eat something, otherwise you die" and it acknowledges that cooking can be a hassle and can cost a lot of energy. I'll look up the pdf and edit this or add an extra comment.
My absolute favourite is Spirit Island. A co-op game where you work together defending your island and kicking out explorers and settlers. Expanding your presence and getting new powers along the way. Every game with new combinations.
When we got the game we played this more than once every week for over a year. With each game taking 1-3hours with our playstyle. Sometimes longer with four players (but that's partly because of not actively playing the game then). We play less now only because of moving with the renovation taking too much time.
Before I sit down on the toilet, I take a piece of toilet paper en wipe the brim. Not that it makes that much of a difference of how clean the brim is. But since doing that I ALWAYS notice if the roll's nearly empty. It's just the heads up you need to check stock and fix a new one before it's too late.
Trump is just the convenient caricature of a puppet pushed forward to be the face and disorganise everything. When he dies he'll be replaced by someone else capable of filling that role. It wouldn't surprise me if the follow-up person is already known in their circles.
Trump is old and messed up. The propaganda rocketing him up can just as easily shoot him down. He is here to do damage and to disrupt and corrupt the system. He's here to weed out the failsafes against fascism/monarchy so a new political model can take over.
When he's done enough, someone else will step forward to rebuild and 'repair the damage' but only in such a way that the fascist/oligarchy gains more power and the majority of people lose more power.