It happens to the best of us. Don't forget that Lemmy allows you to edit your post.
The military can (and should) decline to follow an illegal order.
Uniformed commanders themselves also have a specific obligation to reject an order that's unlawful, if they make that determination.
All military members swear to "preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic." Within that oath is the implication that service members hold allegiance to the rule of law.
The oath of enlistment goes on to ask service members to follow orders, but adds that it must be done "according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice," or UCMJ.
Both Article 90 of the UCMJ, the charge of willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer, and Article 92, failure to obey an order, say that they apply only to lawful orders.
Broader legal precedence holds that just following orders, colloquially known as the "Nuremberg defense" as it was used unsuccessfully by senior Nazis to justify their actions under Adolf Hitler, doesn't absolve troops.
In my (very limited) experience, people in leadership positions in the military take rule of law and duty to country much more seriously than the political class. I like to think they would be the adults in the room. But you never know.
I don't know what the political fallout would be, but I bet it would be equal parts fascinating and terrifying.
The daylight will come for you no more, Mr. Tallyman.
Little did the Europeans know, Jesus was already there.
It appears that Lemmy usernames are case-insensitive. So it should not make a difference.
Those five accounts were self-deleted within 2 hours of you making this post. Somebody noticed that you caught onto them.
I briefly looked into the remaining accounts you mentioned. Their voting patterns look very similar, but I'm not convinced they are colluding. It's easy to imagine multiple users having similar opinions.
Even with an automod bot doing a lot of heavy lifting, we often manually ban spammers that slip past. And we have to review the bot's actions for false positives, too, so we can revert those actions. It's a very helpful tool but it isn't perfect. I would not want to remove other tools (email verification, captcha) and rely only on the bot.
Your account name cannot change, but you can make your display name whatever you want. Though various apps/UIs may only show one or the other. My app shows "Smokeydope" as the author of this post, but shows "SmokeyDope" when viewing your profile.
I was going to mention her Tiny Desk show. It's a banger!