Who could have predicted that building a movement around getting rid of one person could have any shortcomings.
I don't watch a lot of film, is it that these guys use the Nicholas Cage "let the editor do all the acting" technique?
Finally some populism I can get behind.
I believe so. Irecall my dad saying that when he contacted the owner to explain the situation and offer compensation, the farmer said not to worry about it.
I heard this comment
My dad once had an engine failure shortly after take off, and had to ditch into a bean field. He was fine plane was only a little damaged. I helped him fix the wheel, and get the plane (well, ultralight) to the highest corner of the field so that he could take off down the hill.
I recall from elementary game theory that the ability to provably bind oneself to an action (ie make a promise you can't back out of) is extremely valuable in negotiation. It is hugely important in our day to day lives (loans, service contracts etc), but also politics.
The US ability to have people believe their promises has been shredded by Trump (Eg Iran Nuclear Treaty). We just renegotiated NAFTA to the USMCA, and now all of a sudden it's no good? How can we trust that this deal will last more than 15 minutes? How can we have any sort of partnership with an organization like this?
This is my concern. Not that he wants to manipulate her to harm her, but that he wants to "save her". Her being subjected to that pressure could seriously damage her relationship with her family.
It's really disappointing that there is so much opposition to the existence of sogi minority people. My position is that rainbow crosswalks should not be installed in places where people with minority sogi are not safe.
It's sort of a self selection. We shouldn't tell people with minority sogi they are safe and welcome if they are not.
Which NATO country are these soldiers from?
At least Removed Richard keeps it as an adjective instead of making it a verb.
We should ask Ukraine if the USA is reliable as a military partner.