
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 9 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Peertube, a voyeurism site for vids of people peering in through window curtains? :P

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago

you guys need to get your shit together and police your own continent.

We do? Increasingly we're having to secure it against US threats and meddling, though. And of course our actual police aren't as corrupt and murderous as yours, and our legal system offers far more basic human rights and protections than yours does (I've heard you don't even get the most basic rights like mandatory holiday and sick pay? Wild. You need to start fighting against your government for your basic rights).

we can start to take care of ourselves and our needs instead of blowing billions on places we destroyed

Have you tried not destroying places? You might not have to spend quite so much on reparations if you pace yourself a bit.

The world doesn't revolve around your country, and all of your nation's current major problems (oligarchy, late stage capitalism rot, poor citizen rights, poor/absent social services, poor education system, large class gap, poor environmental protections, etc etc) come from within, not - as your fascist self-proclaimed Dictator would have you believe - the evil foreigners trying to oppress/abuse you.

Nobody's country is perfect, mine isn't, yours isn't. We all have problems, and it's difficult to admit that our problems are more often than not of our own society's making...

Don't believe the oldest fascist trick in the book though - being told it's all somehow the fault of foreigners - to rally the people against a common foe whilst stripping away your own rights and building an authoritarian state bit by bit, destroying your own freedoms and eroding the moral core of your nation, all in the name of fighting that foe.

[–] [email protected] 16 points 5 days ago

I think when you're on a ship being sailed suicidally into a storm, arguing they some passengers shouldn't jump into life boats to escape just because it will only leave the crazy people onboard and "we're in this together" isn't particularly compelling.

Like, surely that's the point? That state finds it's people, their way of life and values to have diverged so far from the government and overall culture of the nation they're currently teamed up with, so they choose to end their union and become a free nation state again, as is their right.

The alternative to this peaceful split into two countries that can now run themselves the way they want to, would be one side attempting to impose their way of life on the other, to the point of massive crushing oppression or eventual civil war to see which side will dominate and force the other to convert to their ways.

Surely when we consider the options, peacefully going their separate ways when they're no longer compatible with each other's societies and values seems the best result, no?

[–] [email protected] 18 points 5 days ago (6 children)

At this point if you're still working there knowingly building a powerful fascist gathering platform after so much time available to leave, taking dirty Nazi money as payment for your services...

I dunno man... should I feel bad for the staff, or are the remaining staff complicit enough at this point?

[–] [email protected] 15 points 5 days ago

We must strengthen NATO's defences against the aggressive USA and significantly improve border defences, lest they catch us with our pants down when the time comes.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Given that he was the one that called for it to be banned extremely vocally, and he's not been able to keep it banned for more than a few hours even as the now leader of that country, seemingly caving under pressure to flip his stance on the matter (showing off the bat that he's very politically weak)....

I don't see how this makes him look anything but weak, or inept.

[–] [email protected] 67 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Ah, an American 2028 general strike.

That'll be why I've not heard about it. I wish them the best of luck, their country faces many issues that a general strike could begin to fix, here's hoping.

Won't they still have their fascist, self proclaimed dictator in power in 2028? He'll send his jackboots out to crush any such attempts at organising against his precious oligarchy.

Hopefully those participating are ready for a bloody struggle for their rights.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

I've never even looked at it. Vine was pretty cool but then it died, Periscope was neat, but I dunno, something about Tiktok feels predatory, how addictive it is (from what I've seen of others using it).

Plus while they're all as bad as each other, I still trust China less than Microsoft with my stuff, so yeah. I'm just not interested in it and don't really see the appeal for myself. But I see why it's popular and it's not like, terrible, as a concept.

[–] [email protected] 40 points 2 weeks ago

Yes, it's called a tram. It's how I get to the shops, city centre, etc.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

They left retroreflective mirrors there when they visited, you shine a light at them and it bounces right back at you, and that's what we do with a laser at an Observatory, it's pretty cool! :-D

I consider that another piece of evidence, in a big pile of evidence, but I suppose crazy people can say we sent the mirrors up with a rocket on their own or whatever idk. Crazy people gonna crazy.

You know what's really crazy? Some people think the USA is real and not just a TV show and 300 million AI bots. Had anyone ever actually been there? No, of course not, it's all Hollywood movie magic! (Hollywood's a secret propaganda studio based out of Cuba, which is real obviously because we get rum from there)

[–] [email protected] 28 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

Brexit is a great example of democracy in Britain. You vote for something and it doesn’t happen and everyone promises it will definitely happen in the following election and it never does. If there’s one thing I’m certain of is that reform will not end immigration to this country either.

They voted for Brexit, Brexit happened, and everything unfolded as expected. Seems pretty cut and dry to me.

The end results were obvious going in, we all knew this would happen, and that it would continue to do ongoing damage to the country and it's people over the next century.

I'm not really sure what else the Leave voters expected, unless they were believing the nonsense propaganda being fed to them by the daily rags and Facebook 🤷‍♀️

How a person goes so far down the rabbit hole away from reality to believe what's essentially poorly thought out fascist propaganda, I'll never know, but it happened to a lot of people.

The vast majority of those people, being adults, are beyond our means of educating and helping - most simply plug their ears and don't want to listen. There's nothing we can do for them, sadly.

The best thing we can do now is educate our children in critical thought and with the same wide understanding of the workings of the world culturally, economically, historically, and with a dash of reality thrown in, that we ourselves were taught, and hope that one day after we're all dead perhaps a new generation will reverse the damage that some of our generation has wrought.


Hello fellow Boosters! :-D

Apologies if I'm missing something obvious here, 😅 I saved a comment I'd like to go back to the other day but don't recall exactly what it was (darn my poor ADHD memory), and so I wanted to scroll through my saved/favourited comments to find it.

When I go to the "Saved" tab it lets me scroll through saved posts, but I can't find any way to switch to scrolling through saved comments, so I'm not sure how I'd go about finding them?


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