
joined 2 years ago
[–] phanto 2 points 16 hours ago

Hey, vowels are expensive!

[–] phanto 4 points 16 hours ago

I've run yacy and searxng, and I find yacy flaky. I get really random search results, often not useful at all. I like Searxng though, although once in a while I have to hit refresh to get my result. Probably a simple fix, I've just never bothered to go down the rabbit hole.

[–] phanto 1 points 16 hours ago

I once duct taped a drill bit to a piece of wood that was kinda shaped like one of those old-timer hand cranked drills... Cordless, check! Made in Canada, check! I don't still have it though, and I don't know how much I'd charge. The bit probably came from Canadian Tire?

[–] phanto 5 points 16 hours ago (1 children)

I got some video goggles about 10 years ago. The picture on the box? A guy wearing cool shades. Me? It felt like 10 pounds strapped to my face in such a way I had to look straight up to sort of see a blurry, blocky video through a screen door. This had to be plugged into a DVD player or a VHS player (yes, really) with three separate cords, but still also ate four AAs more than once an hour, and had built in earbuds in exactly the wrong size. Also, there was a separate cord to a remote control that managed to get tangled up very easily despite being too short to fit in a pocket while the goggles were on your head, so I just kinda looped it over my shoulders. Claimed to have a 3D mode. Never found it. 300$ well spent.

[–] phanto 2 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

Monica Hughes had some good books, and at least a few were set in Canada. I'm too lazy to google, but I bet she's a Canuck. Gordon Korman. (YA books. Reaching into my childhood.)

[–] phanto 2 points 19 hours ago

I have a Mode 7 Retro ii from Japan. The number pad? Useless. But it folds up and fits in my pocket, and is good enough. (Writing this on my tablet, so...)

[–] phanto 0 points 2 days ago

C. Only weirdos use F. I actually have no idea how F works. It's funny, I have a pretty good sense of what an inch and a pound is, I know I'm six feet tall, I run a mile in about 12 minutes... But the only F I know is 98.6° is 37°C.

[–] phanto 4 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Well, where I live, it never really gets that cold. -32 is the lowest it's been all year, so...

[–] phanto 2 points 3 days ago (1 children)

... And he is one dumb motherfucker. I like your name. My mom would hate it.

[–] phanto 3 points 4 days ago

Most of the Huawei stuff got replaced with Nokia stuff, in Western Canada.

[–] phanto 4 points 4 days ago

I tried to start with OpenStack. Oof. Yup. Proxmox.

There are a lot of good guides. I run almost everything on proxmox these days, even virtualized my Windows, and (after a lot of messing around) got my GPU passed through for when I game.

[–] phanto 41 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Me too. It's the parasympathetic nervous system. You anticipate bleeding. Your body goes, "Bleeding is bad. Drop the blood pressure, that'll stop the bleeding!" It worked! I see a needle in a medical setting, I'm out like a light. Dentists are fun.


cross-posted from:

A small-town farmer's son reluctantly joins a traveling group of vampires after he is bitten by a beautiful drifter.

Director - Kathryn Bigelow.

Stars - Adrian Pasdar, Jenny Wright, Lance Henriksen.

6.9/10 on IMDB, 74% Popcornometer.

"Near Dark is at once a creepy vampire film, a thrilling western, and a poignant family tale, with humor and scares in abundance."

Movie Trailer.

Anyone seen this film? It hide in the lost boys shadow he is definitely a worth watching so check it out if you haven't. If you have, what did you think?


This makes me so pleased! Go see this movie!


I like it so far, although it does have some quirks. I find that I tend to ignore the bottom half and just hold the top bit like I would hold a normal phone. Not super fast, but it goes easily in my pocket, and now I have the nickname "Flip phone".

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