If it's a campus bus it's almost certainly free, and probably timed to class schedules. If you only have 10m or so between classes it makes sense.
Code doesn't even pass the example test
mind your case sensitivity!
I prefer the phrase "testicular manifold."
We had kids
we wanted to make friends in our 30s, so we just made the friends. Problem solved.
(In all seriousness, your friend
or at least, acquaintance
group explodes when you have daycare/kid activities.)
Some bulk food stores let you bring your own. You put a sticker on them with the bulk item # and also the dry weight, so it's a little more work, but then you can put your jars to use!
I thought it was just "Slashdotted."
The Gulf of Lesser Canada does have a certain ring to it...
Newer macOS is not Unix certified.
It's UNIX 03 compliant https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Single_UNIX_Specification
Indeed, the 1st and 3rd worst offenders for plastic per capita are administrative regions of China (Macau and Hong Kong) https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/plastic-pollution-by-country
No, but I think it's good when someone with credibility among certain people reiterate something, even if it adds nothing of value to you and me.
Democratic and left-of-center politicians (or "liberal elite economists") can say this until they're blue in the face but Trumpers will dismiss it as I dunno, woke butthurtism or something. But when someone like Buffet says it, at least they (maybe) have to think a little bit before coming up with some mental gymnastics to dismiss him. And maybe along the way they'll question, if only a little bit, the sanity of Trump's policies.