
joined 10 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

I feel like using such a phone with regular Android apps doesn't make too much sense. The big advantage of eInk is that it only consumes power if the content changes. But if every letter you type and every second the progress bar of your media player require a refresh of the screen, then you don't really benefit from that feature. Or do I oversee something here?

[–] [email protected] 20 points 6 hours ago* (last edited 5 hours ago) (4 children)

Wer mal etwas neues ausprobieren möchte, das ohne Kakao auskommt. Ich habe neulich bei Rewe ein paar Kekse gekauft, bei denen ich erst Zuhause gemerkt habe, dass sie keinen Kakao drin haben, sondern mit einer Choviva genannten Schokoladenalternative aus Sonnenblumenkernen überzogen sind.


Einige der Produkte sind zusätzlich vegan und es sind auch einige sehr günstige Supermarkt-Eigenmarken dabei. Hätte ich nicht zufällig auf der Packung gelesen, dass es keinen Kakao enthält, hätte ich nichts gemerkt.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 21 hours ago

Wie sehr würde mich so ein Ansatz freuen! Meines Wissens strebt aber leider keine der aktuell relevanten Parteien so eine Reform an. Vermutlich schlicht, da sie wissen, dass ihnen eine solche Reform schaden würde.

Aber auch wenn es leider noch kein Ranked Choice gibt und auch auf absehbare Zeit nicht geben wird, sollten wir immer das wählen, was noch am ehesten unseren Wertvorstellungen entspricht. Ich persönlich konzentriere mich dabei auf die Parteien, die höchstwahrscheinlich über 5% kommen.

Gäbe es Ranked Choice würde ich vermutlich anders wählen aber das steht leider nicht zur Debatte. Aber wenn du dich von keiner der etablierten Parteien irgendwie vertreten fühlst, dann wähle ruhig eine Kleinpartei, dann bekommen sie zumindest Mittel und Aufmerksamkeit für die nächste Wahl. Hauptsache nicht nicht.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Real candy are cotton men.

[–] [email protected] 30 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (6 children)

Every fourth Tesla fails the first EU-inspection. The average for all cars is 3%, so it's exceptionally bad.

I also wouldn't buy a car from that freak for various reasons but that high failure rate at the first inspection can be at least partly explained. Tesla - unlike most manufacturers - doesn't do regular inspections on their own. Most cars are checked (and repaired!) by the dealership before they get officially checked. Therefore, the 25% aren't completely comparable to the 3%.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Bitte bitte geh trotzdem wählen. Lasst uns das Trump-Harris-Debakel nicht hier wiederholen, weil ein signifikanter Teil der tendenziell linker eingestellten Bevölkerung lieber gar nicht wählt statt "das kleinere Übel".

[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 days ago

I think i'll just stop existing at some point. Maybe there'll be some pseudo visual sensations ('light') as I die but other than that I don't expect any kind of 'after life'.

Half of the time I look forward to my death, it doesn't scare me since I don't see the real point of my life

I think we shouldn't be scared of death but still try to enjoy our limited lifetime as much as we can. If you feel depressed continously, I can only advise you to seek help. Life shouldn't be like that. If you have friends or family that you trust, tell them how you feel. In case you don't, that's okay. You may reach out to professional organisations or helplines instead. :)

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago

Thanks for that explanation, didn't know that expression. That makes a lot more sense!

[–] [email protected] 54 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (5 children)

Wealth is unfortunately not evenly distributed within society and there are plenty of different reasons for that. Maybe the step dad already had rich parents, maybe he was lucky to be at the right place at the right time, maybe he's a better business man than you, maybe he just won the lottery. If you don't know, you can't tell her.

Make sure to let her know that having less money doesn't make one less valuable as a human. That you hope, she'll have enough wealth one day but in case she won't that it's not her fault. It's not about being stupid or lazy. And that money isn't everything that counts.

[–] [email protected] -2 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (2 children)

I guess so but I also don't really get it.

"Wanna hang [your dick] out [the wall] later?" might be a glory hole reference??

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 days ago

This. Being able to pee without necessarily setting down is great when you're outside, or in a public toilet but I see absolutely no sense of doing that at home.


Ich wurde dieses Jahr zu einer Feierlichkeit für ein Wochenende nach Griechenland eingeladen. Nun möchte ich eigentlich weder absagen, noch in einen Flieger steigen - noch dazu für 2,5 Tage Aufenthalt.

Arbeiten kann ich prinzipiell überall, wo es Strom und Internet gibt. Wenn dies gewährleistet ist, wäre ich auch okay damit, wenn die Anreise ein paar Tage dauert.

Hat jemand Erfahrungen mit der Kombination mehrerer Nachtzüge, Nachtzüge und Fähre oder andere konstruktive Ideen, wie man die Reise etwas umweltschonender gestalten könnte?

Eine Alternative könnte ggf. auch ein längerer Balkan-Road-Trip mit E-Auto werden, in den ich Griechenland nur als Abstecher einbaue aber das müsste ich erst noch mit meiner (dann hoffentlich mitreisenden) Partnerin klären.

Flocken Elektrowagen (en.wikipedia.org)
submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.bestiver.se/post/199089


It is regarded as the first real electric car. Production 1888

Fake vegans (sopuli.xyz)
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Vegans being banned and comments being deleted from [email protected] for being fake vegans.

From my perspective, the comments were in no way insulting and just part of completely normal interaction. If this decision reflects the general opinion of the mod team, then from my perspective, the biggest vegan community on Lemmy wants to be an elitist cycle of hardcore vegans only, not allowing any slightly different opinion. Which would be very unfortunate.

PS: In contrast to the name of this community, I don't want to insult anyone here being a 'bastard'. I just want to post this somewhere on neutral ground. I would really appreciate an open discussion without bashing anyone.

PPS: Some instances or clients seem to compress the screenshots in a way they're unreadable. Find the full resolution here: https://imgur.com/a/8XdexTm

Linking the affected users and mods: @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Recently, I noticed that no matter which delivery I'm tracking and no matter which status the package is currently in, DHL always claims the estimated delivery date to be yesterday.

This package was dropped at the DHL office on 23rd. When I checked right afterwards, the expected delivery was declared as 22nd. If I'm checking today (24th), it's now scheduled for the 23rd.


I don't play too often overall but today was the first time I couldn't solve a wordle. I feel slightly offended and see it as a mean, early christmas present by the NYT. 😄

I wish you all better luck/skill and happy holidays!

Wordle 1.284 X/6







submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Let's play a round of 'NUTLE' together as part of the Know Nut November challenge!

The rules: It follows the standard wordle rules. You guess any word with 5 letters in the comments. I'll reply with the rating. 🟩 means letter is correct and at the right place. 🟨 means the character appears at least once but is in the wrong place. ⬜ means the character is in the wrong place. And as this is know nut november, all guesses should be at least remotely related to the theme of nuts (in all its meanings). You can be creative!

Background of the challenge: Based on this meme, I decided I decided to initiate a little November nut identification challenge across different communities on Lemmy. After two days (#8, #9) on [email protected], one day (#10) at [email protected] and one day (#11), today it's your turn to show how fast [email protected] can solve the riddle.

Happy guessing!

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hello all,

based on this meme, I decided to initiate a little November nut identification challenge on Lemmy. After two days (#8, #9) on [email protected] and one day (#10) at [email protected], today it's your turn!

Today the challenge is about finding a specific article in the English version of Wikipedia with only emojis as a hint. I'll start with just one and will add additional ones in case there's no correct answer yet.

The challenge: ✈️🔙🇰🇷

Happy guessing!

I aligned with @[email protected] (mod of this community) upfront to make sure the challenge is OK to post.

Warning: At the time when you read the post, the comment section may contain spoilers.


Hello all,

based on this meme, I decided to initiate a little November nut identification challenge on Lemmy. After two days (#8, #9) on [email protected], today [email protected] is requested to proof their nut knowledge.

Happy guessing!

Warning: At the time when you read the post, the comment section may contain spoilers.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Hi all,

When I create a new post or comment there are buttons for different formatting options (bold, italic, hyperlink, ...) right above the on-screen keyboard. One of the buttons is a little circle with an exclamation mark that is called spoiler.

If I click on it, it adds three colons followed by 'spoiler spoiler' and then at the end again three colons. But after I publish the post or comment, I don't see any effect or special formatting of my text. It's just the text and that non-functional tags.

Is that a bug or is that how it's meant to work?

spoilerThis is a spoiler in my main post


Welcome to the challenge for November 9th which is the 3rd one so far after #8 and this post with the original idea.

Warning: Comments may contain spoilers, so only read them once you're ready.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Inspired by this post by @[email protected], @[email protected] proposed to turn that neat idea into a challenge series. It's not my idea, so feel free to post your own challenges here or in whatever community you find appropriate.

Now back to the game - let's see who'll be the fastest nutter of the day! ;)

Warning: The challenge has been solved already, so don't check the comments if you want to avoid spoilers.

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