
joined 2 years ago
[–] riskable@programming.dev 15 points 5 hours ago

I dunno. What kind of service can you get with LowG™?

[–] riskable@programming.dev 6 points 1 day ago

I do believe the requirement is that you just need to be specific. Republicans generally suck all around right now so that's a valid statement.

However, if you're going to complain about Democrats you need to say something like, "the leadership sucks" or, "there's too many rich people influencing the party!"

That's been my experience so far 🤷

[–] riskable@programming.dev 25 points 5 days ago (1 children)

It's a lot simpler than that: Texas has a HUGE oil and natural gas industry lobby that views wind and solar as existential threats.

Oil & gas is mostly consolidated and lobbies under just a few really powerful firms. Wind and solar don't have a lobbying arm with that kind of power. It's too dispersed with too many disperate entities that don't view themselves as being on the same team.

It's just another way that money in politics corrupts everything. Even though there's more players in the solar and wind markets the oil & gas industry has a lot more money to throw around at lobbying.

[–] riskable@programming.dev 1 points 6 days ago (1 children)

Go with a Nintendo Switch controller that works with PC like:

https://a.co/d/6cxE7qn (~$20)

There's dozens and dozens of them and I've never had a problem with any of them. They all seem to just "magically work".

[–] riskable@programming.dev 2 points 6 days ago

The most confusing thing is USB C since it can be both an input and an output simultaneously. For both data and power.

Example: You can have a USB C hub that accepts a USB C Power Delivery input (say, 120W) that also powers the device it's plugged into and simultaneously acts as a Power Delivery device to any USB C PD-accepting devices plugged into the hub.

Each port will usually have a power limit. For example, one port (the one meant to plug into a PC/laptop) may be limited to provide 100W while the others can each supply 20W but only if they are not used to provide power to another port at the same time.

So you could have a 100W port and say, two 20W ports but if you plug in a 20W PD device into one of those 20W ports you won't be able to use the other port for 20W.

...but that's just the start of the complexity! Your USB C hub could also support various extensions to USB C like 4k Display support. But usually only one of the ports will support connecting a display. Furthermore, for that to work you need the PC-connecting port to be plugged into a USB C port on the PC that also supports that extension.

So you could buy a really fancy USB C hub but find out that because your PC's USB C port doesn't work with displays. Or that the hub only supplies PD power to the PC-connected port but not the other ports (which is fucking annoying... That happened to me).

...but wait, there's more! Some USB hubs (not just C) support all kinds of things like serial ports, Ethernet, sound inputs/outputs, and stranger things. Some hubs on the market will ship with a power supply that doesn't actually provide enough juice to power all those built-in peripherals at once! So even though the hardware supports it, you may still need to buy a 3rd party power supply that can supply say, 150W of power.

I'm waiting for the day when we get USB C hubs with Power-over-Ethernet support. That's going to be the next level of crazy.

[–] riskable@programming.dev 4 points 6 days ago

S-class communities are elite!

[–] riskable@programming.dev 6 points 6 days ago

I'm sure it's got sodium and nitrogen in it 🤷

[–] riskable@programming.dev 6 points 1 week ago

"You know what this dish is missing? The taste of expired beer that was collected, dripping from a dumpster behind a seafood restaurant."

[–] riskable@programming.dev 9 points 1 week ago

Alternative headline: "DOGE finds Social Security administration is pumping trillions of dollars into the economy and has an error rate of less than 1%."

[–] riskable@programming.dev 37 points 1 week ago

DOGE's ~~shocking~~ totally expected $8 billion mistake



Made this looping video on a whim this morning because you'd think they would've fixed this problem by now (after ~5 years and multiple headsets).

Wasn't sure where to share it so here you go, lemmy.world/Virtual Reality 😁

[–] riskable@programming.dev 2 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Yeah but it's still in Texas. Cheap homes are available in 3rd world countries too. Countries that have cheaper healthcare (that grants women the human right of abortion) and stable electric grids.


The genie asked the man, "do you wish you were worth a lot of money?"

Onlookers watched in horror as the quickest among them broke off large golden chunks of the statue before they could even get close to claim their own prize.


Pool pump has been a bit weak lately: The stream of water pouring out of the hot tub "waterfall" into the main pool had become more like a trickle. This usually indicates a significant clog or that the pool filter needs cleaning.

Considering I haven't cleaned the filter in almost a year I figured that was likely the problem. It wasn't 😮‍💨

Turns out that there's something stuck in the intake at the bottom of the pool which means I have to dive deep with a screwdriver in the super cold water and carefully clear out whatever is in there. Probably a plastic bag or similar.

Note: Never attempt such a thing while the pump is on! In fact, lock it down with some tape and maybe a warning label that says not to turn it on while you're doing your difficult work.

Been a long time since I had to hold my breath under water. I wonder if I can still reach 2 minutes? 🤔 Probably not with this water temperature 🤣


I just watched the final episode of If My Wife Becomes an Elementary School Student and I had to write something about it... When I first read the description of this anime I thought it looked stupid, "Another low effort anime." But of course I watched it anyway (because I run out of episodes fast on Sundays, haha) and it turned out fantastic!

The description is accurate but severely understates the concept: It's not a comedy but more akin to sci-fi or isekai with a, "what if?" scenario. What would it be like if your dead wife suddenly appears in the form of a little kid, saying she reincarnated? It does a pretty good job of going into the emotions and real-world problems (Japanese 🤣) people would run into in such a situation.

For example, what about the mother of the little girl‽ Wouldn't she be like, "WTF‽" Ummm... Yeah she would! And the show explores that aspect of the concept as well as the family of the deceased.

I highly recommend this anime. It'd probably be a great show to watch with your partner too. Also, make sure to have some tissues handy to soak up the tears!


As I put a dish into the dishwasher I thought to myself, "🤔 I haven't cleaned the filter in a while." So I took it out and gave it a real good blast with piping hot water from the kitchen sink. I even scraped some of the gunk off with a dish brush to the point where I couldn't find a single mote of gunk upon careful examination.

Then I proceeded to refill the rinse aid (even though it wasn't empty) and--as usual--spilled that stuff all over the interior door in the process. Is it even possible to not spill the rinse aid when refilling it? 🤔

My journey didn't end there, however! I then proceeded to walk the entirety of my home searching for cups and plates that may have been left behind by my children, found several, and it was enough that it nearly filled the dishwasher racks; bottom and top.

The dishwasher has been started; the wait begins.


Electoral College elects The President. No other type of election works like that.


Came pre-lubed and ready for battle


I've heard this phrase used often by those on the right but every time I hear it I can't help but laugh because of what I picture in my head. But perhaps my image is wrong! I want to read everyone else's depictions.

So as to not influence the responses I will not be sharing what I imagine a "woke mob" looks like.

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