Never thought I'd witness the apotheosis of a man.
Jamie Hyneman lookalike champion receiving his prize.
Seeing all these tech bros collectively lose it is filling my heart with joy.
Try to get comfortable with using the command line. Most utilities have graphical interfaces, but the terminal is still important.
If you have workflows from Windows or Mac, try to adapt them to Linux. Sometimes you'll have to find alternative applications or change your approach entirely.
Experiment with different desktop environments. If GNOME (default for Ubuntu) is too alien, try KDE Plasma, XFCE, or Cinnamon. You can install multiple desktop environments and choose which one is launched on the login screen.
Set up system backups using Timeshift, and don't be afraid to break the system.
Ignore the people who criticise your chosen distro. Giving Ubuntu a chance is way better than not trying at all.
Cry me a fucking river, David.
It's always had its fans. The story is a pulp adventure with notes of Stephen King (without the cocaine), the action gameplay ranges from underwhelming to pretty bad, and the narration's delivery by Matthew Porretta is flatter than a bowling alley, but it all comes together as something incredibly charming. I credit Twitch user shaft_of_justice with the most accurate description: "the best 6/10 game there is".
Alan Wake 2, as mentioned by the article I linked. Sales have dried up before it became profitable, but Sweeney has confirmed that it wouldn't be released on Steam.
"I bow to no one."
...or whatever the hell Aragorn says when he kills Sauron.
I've only seen the first two parts of the Lord Of The Rings trilogy.
That reminds me of my previous job at a factory where a business critical database was maintained as a single Excel file with 15000 rows and 200 columns, and now all of my bones are in attack position.