
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

Yeah no worries. It got me googling.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 hours ago

They are definitely not stranded.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 hours ago

Fuck banks. If you're ditching Visa, let's talk about creating like an open source bank or something similar.... The world central open bank. Anyone from anywhere can deposit any valuable into it etc etc including bitcoins. Then maybe no charge if you use the world card!!!

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 hours ago

They better start exporting their bountiful electricity! They got so much of it, enough for a good 3 or 4 days of AI questions about how awesome our beautiful leader Mr orange is.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

Well it was Spanish from 1763 to 1803. The USA began existing in 1776...in July of that year. When the French arrived, various Native American groups, including the Atakapa, Caddo, Chitimacha, Choctaw, Houma, Natchez, and Tunica tribes, lived in the area. You're totally right, it was actually never Mexican.

Even the California and Oregon thing is sort of a stretch. Like I'm sure there were settlements per the historical record. But I very much doubt they were actually identifying as the Mexicans we know and love today. More like Spaniards and their slaves. There's actually a really old history pre-USA of mejican exploration to create a trade route to China. Lots of Chinese people traveled for trade to the Philippines and Mexico and the same for Mexicans. Along the trade route you can find all sorts of intermixing... Mexipinos, chinexicans, japaxincans, etc.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

I love the docs ability to create databases from my docs. That would be super useful for work and research activities.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 hours ago (5 children)
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Has Been doing that for hundreds of years. But that's a problem for prehistoric people. Modern tech can fix all that....Lemmy see...the boring compan...ah shit. Nevermind!

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago

Possibly yeah. One day.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 hours ago (4 children)

Understood. I mean California Oregon, Louisiana and Texas were Mexican at some point and mexica before the Spaniards.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 13 hours ago

Trump is fighting the proliferation of math and mathlabs. They've even found a guy making math right in his basement. Its mostly Mexicans, Chinese and Canadians bringing math over the border.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 14 hours ago

Pooh! I like your country! I need it, give it to me!


The message is loud and clear, the measles is not chicken pox. Do not expose your kids to it. Tell your kids to stay away from other kids who are coughing.


I was just over at LibreWolf looking for possibly something to patch the HTML hole. But first I went to my google apps and I gave youtube the finger. No more youtube on my phone. Fuck you google! I am Loops all the way (LOL I gotta watch some shit, not gonna go cold turkey!)


I don't usually expect sexual innuendos at the pump.


Not Applicable! N/A


From the makers of solidworks comes the new untitled game!

Here's the game play! Solidworks will tell you there's a file that needs to be saved! You know, because some rando in your company referenced to it in a sketch. SW provides you with a "don't show again" button! That way if you don't want to play that game, you can play one of the next two hundred ones that look exactly the same! Its great!

What's the file or the relationship? That's for you to find out!


I have to ask this. Is there a service where I could bring my own FQN like Notgoogle.com and then have them handle emails for me? But with a twist.. I want notgoogle.com to send and receive emails via that outside entity, but I want to send the emails from a self hosted server that maybe has mailcow or similar and I want that same server to receive the emails from the outside company. Ideally the outside company is basically just a relay from my IP to the outside world and vise versa. The outside company would basically hold the emails until my server checked and downloaded them. any advice on this. Hopefully with a useful step by step guide from somewhere in the webs?


I only write grievances because I know nothing will change.

Suppose you got two locations one is anywhere around a circle. The circle is at 45 degrees from at least one nominal plane. The other point is on a line located also at some off angle. You want the straight distance.

In NX this is simple... Point to point minimum for example would get that dimension. Otherwise you can use the circle as the plane of orientation and measure up towards the line. Anyone who has ever done this by hand and has some background in calculus could figure out a way. But not solid works. No sirybob! That's a $10k feature a year if you need it!

How about a green hue theme for the entire app? No problem! That's the next upgrade! And screw you if you don't upgrade because anything someone opens with the new version is magically not backwards compatible! Fuck solid works! Stop using this stupid software.


So I was listening yesterday and the reported says something like... Young people have a hard time getting a mortgage because the older generation has low mortgage rates...blah blah...but now they're all loosing jobs, getting sick etc so "that will unlock housing or mortgages" something annoying like that.

Well yeah. It happens every generation. Until I suppose nobody can make enough money to rent either much less have a mortgage. I much rather hear about mortgage rates coming down after another happy CEO event. Yeah fucking unlock that shit please!


I Begin my shitty Cad software year with solid works.

Imagine you are checking in an assembly into PDM and it flags an totally unrelated part or assembly as a reason for not checking in (which is soon convenient, I can't tell you how much I would love to be stuck at home because the battery on one of my 4 TMP sensors is dead. Lovely. Couldn't even drive to the tire shop if that was the case)...and so you go type the name of this component in the filter. I type at a good 30 words per second while this filter accepts 1 letter per minute. Possibly blocking, meaning you can only type the next letter after the previous letter has been registered and a new letter accepting window is open. Who designed this deep shit idiotic entry field? Must have had a brain aneurism while coding it. Dude, let me type the fucking word, then when it's done, take your fucking time searching for it! Grrr!

One what? (lemmy.world)

Don't tease like that news media!


Face it folks, these next few years will be a dog. What does that mean you ask since you actually love dogs? Never mind!!! Just autopilot these next few years. There's nothing there. Like driving to Las Vegas. Some dune donkeys off in the distance, beautiful but unreachable mountains in all sorts of subdued pastel hues. But just pray the car won't break down in the middle of nowhere. Think about all the neon lights that await us in by 2030 and beyond. Maybe even new invasive political VR ads in 2028? You can walk around the vr debate and kick each politician in the ass...with strong haptic feed back thuds, not this vibration shit we have today.

Keep an eye on the road and wake me up at the gas station, I need me some Twinkies.


That was pretty close man. But 100 is pretty good too!

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