Pooh! I like your country! I need it, give it to me!
Maybe your boss can develop software all by his or her self now lop.
If this is how your office looks and not how the bus looks, your office is a bunch of racists.
Above all...what's the point? No one in their right mind wants to live there except for Canadians! Its fucking cold! Its amazing anything happens there at all. Regardless, it's their country and Trump is one full blown grade A dumbass. I like Canadians!
That's how we roll....remember that when they order you to shoot me just for being brown. Oh I'd give it a couple of weeks more by the pace of this Mongolian clusterfuck of a government.
And to mark you as a target for accidental deportation.
Translation: your phone runs fine right now.... Well not anymore! Introducing more Bloatware! Your phone has never crawled like this before.
Okay, I give up... Yeah, its a layoff.....
No worries! You're not loosing your job! This is your tax cuts at work!
Trump is fighting the proliferation of math and mathlabs. They've even found a guy making math right in his basement. Its mostly Mexicans, Chinese and Canadians bringing math over the border.