Reminds me of Orion Burger...
Abandonware, seemingly
Kann man auch als podcast nebenbei hören (via newpipe oder so). Ist schon empfehlenswert. Nichts ganz Neues dabei, klar, aber grade in Punkto Tierschutz - aber nicht nur - war das ein sehr offener Austausch.
Und was mich immer besonders freut: Geprägt von gegenseitigem Respekt und echtem Interesse.
Mich wundert die Kurzsichtigkeit.
Einerseits wird viel Vertrauen verspielt und populistische Positionen gestärkt, zum anderen spielt die Aushebelung des Datenschutzes den anti-demokratischen Strömungen auch indirekt in die Hände: Die Mechanismen, die jetzt naiv durchgesetzt werden werden sich morgen gegen ihre (hoffentlich) demokratischen Schöpfer richten.
Paradox auch wie das eigentlich erkannt wird - siehe Stärkung des Verfassungsgerichts - und in anderen Kontexten zersetzt man demokratische Prinzipien viel zu leichtfertig.
I always found the actual challenge to decide what to get rid of once the duplicates where found.
Some tools I tried would also ask file-by-file, which I found a bit useless for thousand of files. Yet, I cannot even express a set of rules to decide this in general, so I'm not blaming the tools.
In particular, with picture collections I also came to the conclusion that some redundancy is probably ok rather than accidentially deleting data that I duplicated on purpose and simply forgot why.
Hier ist ein kurzer Vergleich.
Fühler und Schwanzanhänge sind bei PF im Verhältnis zum Körper länger und PF werden insgesamt etwas größer.
(links SF, Bild aus Quelle oben)
Falls ihr 'Silberfische' bei euch beobachtet, es aber weder feucht oder warm, schimmlig usw. ist, können es auch Papierfische sein. Die fühlen sich in Büchern, Versandkartons, Klappkisten und Bildern wohl und brauchen wenig Feuchtigkeit.
In Zeiten von richtig viel Versandhandel nicht unwahrscheinlich.
What do you recommend?
If Signal was not simple, my family and friends would likely use Telegram or WhatsApp. Even switching to Signal required a number of (general) newspaper articles criticising the status quo. It's likely not optimal, but okayish and sharing opinions and holiday impressions feels a bit better.
Switching a service is a slow, difficult process and many contacts will not follow, given they would abandon other contacts among friends, family, parents at school, sports teams, ... (now, I'm here, using 4+ solutions).
If training or even curiosity for the technical process is required, very few people will follow. If it takes me (with strong IT background) more than 30 minutes to understand/implement, I may have a decent private solution, but I will feel quite lonely soon.
Definitely. Also, one could get the impression that profit is not always helpful for sustainable use of resources. Better not open a thread on forestry, agriculture or ... whatever really ...
Nuclear power is usually not abandoned for being dangerous, but because it's weirdly complex to keep it safe as compared to the alternatives [1]. This makes it one of the most expensive ways to produce energy (at least given European regulations). Also, the raw material is expected to be quite rare relatively soon.
I guess this may be more about the way caveman made their fire... and the multi-billion cavedollar structure for holding the magic stone can be annoying.
[1] reading other comments, I feel like it is necessary to clarify that by alternatives, I do refer to green energy like wind, solar and water, plus energy storage.
I agree that atomic energy is preferable to fossil energy in almost all regards. The most convincing aspect for me is that you can see, pack and store your by-products, at least somehow, while CO₂ emissions can only insufficiently be handled using carbon capture and storage (CCS).
People tend to understand dangers with visible effects easier (impressive boom) than indirect effects like climate change (less impressive, slow motion, yet possibly apocalyptic boom).
This is quite cool. They shattered a 40 year-old conjecture on map-insertion speed boundaries. To understand the practical impact I have to read the paper, but given their abundance in CS the potential is huge.