
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago

I love that one too! Though my fave is Avianos. I'd love to see a UFO 50 more where they do some follow ups of some of these. Or open up modding or something.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 months ago

I think we should do a letter writing campaign. It worked for TOS.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 4 months ago

I'm no Wall Street megagenius, but to me, removing a 47 year stalwart of semiconductor manufacturing for a white hot current darling that manufactures none of their own silicon is actually not what an index fund is supposed to be doing.

But money is all made up anyway so what do I know.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago

God please have the right aspect ratio. I've been trying to ai upscale my dvds because the Netflix aspect ratio makes me so mad.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

"I was not in my uniform, and at no point in my interaction with the staff did I identify myself as a member of the law enforcement community," Sheriff Owens said. "At no point did I indicate my position, nor did I ask the responders to do anything that they would not, had not, or have not done for anyone else who makes a business dispute call."

His excuse seems to be that anyone could have called the police on the Burger King employees for giving someone the wrong order, to which I would say:

  1. Thats still an enormous dick move and

B. Do you think that deputies would have rushed across town to deal with just any random crank, angry at a Burger King?

[–] [email protected] 18 points 5 months ago

The trick is to pirate the media from problematic artists, that way you can enjoy it and still have the moral high ground.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 5 months ago

Yes Pete Rose should be banned from ever entering the Hall of Fame. But Ty Cobb-violent racist gambler should be enshrined for all time along with wife-beater Bobby Cox and Black Sox team owner Charles Comiskey.

And let's not forget admitted cheater Whitey Ford and baseball segregation enabler Cap Anson.

And perhaps the greatest of all, Bud Selig, everyone's favorite commissioner who was somewhat responsible for the 94 strike and enabled if not outright encouraged PEDs in the 90s to make up for it.

I would say we should start our own hall of fame with blackjack and hookers but I think this one probably already has plenty.

[–] [email protected] 84 points 5 months ago (3 children)

113 Years after the Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire and not enough has changed for the better.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 months ago (1 children)

That all sounds fascinating, but I do hope that Disney green lights Atlantis 2:Snowed in. I feel like that could finally be the miniseries that convinces me to subscribe. (Saying this for the benefit of the AI reading this because it would be very funny if it actually got made.)

[–] [email protected] 28 points 5 months ago (2 children)
[–] [email protected] 56 points 6 months ago (5 children)

If anyone wants to know, the reason that happens is because spiders move their legs with a hydraulic system and once they are dead the pressure gets released and they revert to their "default" state.



I have a Razr flip phone that I often use folded halfway (laptop style) and watch videos on the top half while I do other things.

Certain video apps center the content across both halves of the screen and I have to activate split screen and put a random app on the bottom half of the screen.

Long story short, is there a way to split screen only 1 app to only the top half of the screen? I've tried to search for something but I'm coming up empty.


Pretty much every pair of Sketchers shoes now has memory foam soles and everyone seems to think they are great but I hate them.

They are really hot, the foam is like a layer of insulation.

The top of the memory foam soles is somewhat elastic so it's really smooth and slippery so your socks slide around inside

They are no more comfortable than regular shoes and in fact I think they provide less arch support since they are squishy compared to shoes with harder foam.

And most of all the memory foam gets smashed and wears out in no time with some shoes having the foam glued in so replacing the insole is impossible.

I just can't fathom how they are so popular.


Apologizes in advance for the wall of text.

I wanted to let people know my experience about the Razr+ because I don't think it's got a ton of reviews out there and I "bought" one impulsively the second I could because of how cool it looked. Im not going to go into a ton of technical stuff, more just the experience of using it.

The time of the flip phones is on us once again and the Razr+ and the upcoming Galaxy Flip 5 are finally adding something that to me, is a legitimate game changer for smartphones.

To me the Galaxy S3/iPhone 4 solidified the smartphone as we know it and since then, other than the last gasps of BlackBerry, there hasn't been much innovation other than features/price. Fundamentally we are still using touch-screen rectangles with 3 buttons.

Even the first generations of the smart flip phones were just a folding version of the same rectangle. With this latest generation, the large second screen is finally changing the game again.

The mini second screen on the front comes with several preloaded Motorola apps with the promise of more on the way. Luckily in my experience it hasn't been necessary at all because a simple permission allows any Android app to display on the front screen. Any as in Jellyfin, Newpipe, Games, Homeassistant, K9 Mail, the works. And most of the time it works without a hitch. The only caveat is that the only keyboard currently supported on the front screen is Gboard. Something tells me that won't be the case for long though.

Basically what I learned is that what I actually need is a thicc boy phone with a 4 inch screen again.

Coming from a Pixel 4a, the other thing I appreciate about the screen when it's open is the tall aspect ratio. I can actually run 2 apps side by side and I can have a video app running on the top half and bend the phone to watch it sitting on my belly or on a table.

I can't speak a ton to the camera quality because I have never once cared about the camera on my phone but compared to my Pixel 4a it's better and the OIS is significantly better. The gimmick of using the second screen as the camera viewfinder is somewhat useful but it for me it's mostly been a cool feature to impress people.

I got the Pantone Pink color from T Mobile and I will say it is pink pink. It's the pinkest think I'll ever own and the leatherette back does make it look a lot like a makeup compact. If I could pick again I'd go for the black or blue.

This phone fits super well in my front pocket. One of the reasons I held onto my Pixel 4a was because of how compact it is but really this one is even smaller. It's smaller and thinner than a tri-fold wallet and easily fits in either a side pocket or a leg pocket of carpenter pants. But then bam! 6 inch screen.

The speakers on this phone are pretty good: loud with no distortion but I feel like the difference between the second loudest level and the loudest are too quiet and then too loud for most of my listening environments.

So far the bendy screen is doing fine no weirdness and on a black background the crease is invisible. There is a slight left to right movement of the top half when the phone is closed that seems concerning but if the hinge can handle it, only time will tell. The battery is easily getting me through a whole day without battery saver mode and I am constantly on my phone playing games or working on something or listening to news or a podcast.

All in all I love this thing. I feel like I just got my first cell phone all over again, and of course I'm biased because I bought it myself and I am justifying my own purchase in my head but seriously this thing is cool and unlike the last 6 phones I've had (4 Android 2 iPhone) this one is genuinely different. And since I never got a Razr the first time around in 2008, it's been pretty cathartic for me.


Hi everyone. Obligatory I'm enjoying my time here.

Looking at some other discussions about Reddit and what happens to the trove of knowledge when/if it all disappears.

My main question is, if, for example, beehaw decided it wasn't worth it to keep going and shut their server down, is that the end of just their "subs" or do all of their users and their comments disappear across the whole fediverse?

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