It's a schooner.
It’s not a schooner, it’s a sailboat.
A schooner is a sailboat, stupidhead!
Goddamn it. I came here to say this. Take my upvote.
I got a lunch and a soda, and I'm not leaving until I see that sailboat.
For those having trouble seeing it >!It's a butterfly!<
"Its a butt..." would have gotten more people to look.
This is my wierd superpower: I can see these things at a glance. shrug I was hoping for superstrength...
The key is not to cross the eyes but to let your eyes blur.
Oh my god. I finally did it. After over 30 years I finally got to see one of these. Thank you friend. I saw it so clearly for like 10 seconds.
Diverge ie focus behind the screen.
Me too, but only by going cross-eyed, so instead of a butterfly, I see a butterfly shaped hole.
So far I counted 4 outcomes depending on how I'm adjusting my eyes:
- Single pop out.
- Triple pop out.
- Some funky quad pop out that lasted a second.
- Single drop in.
A schooner!
It's not a schooner... it's a Sailboat.
A schooner is a sailboat!
You know what?! There is no easter bunny! Over there, that's just a guy in a suit!
"What you need is a fatty-boom-batty blunt! And I guarantee you'll be seeing a sailboat, an ocean, and maybe even some of those big-tittied mermaids doing some of that lesbian shit!" - Jay, Christian Prophet
I can never see these things. Not as a kid, not as an adult. I'm broken.
I’m with you. I’ve never been able to either. No matter how hard I try.
Magic Eye is new again huh
I used to check out the books from the public library in the early 2000's. I wasn't able to see them for the longest time. Once I could, I did every stereograph I could get my hands on.
OMG I finally got it after all of those years... I get it what it's supposed to look like.
It's butterfly and design/pattern is as same as the background, you just see it in somewhat 3D form, you're not supposed to blur your vision too much, just slight. I kept trying changing the blur until I got it.
WTF, so above method I did, I saw butterfly popped out. Then I tried doing the same but crossing my eyes, I see two cut out butterflies, like first one is bigger sunk in, then another smaller one sunk into the first butterfly.
Mind blown.
Holy shit, this is the first time it's ever worked for me as well!
There's a bot over at @magic_[email protected] that posts a lot of these.
Yeah these don't work at all for me. Maybe it's me astigmatism or something.
It's funny you say that. I have astigmatism, but I learned to see these on demand before I got glasses to correct it. The tricks all involve getting your eyes to focus farther away than the actual image surface. I could easily see the butterfly while wearing my glasses. Then I read your comment and tried again without my glasses and I could still see something but it was no longer a cute butterfly. Without my glasses, it was an abyssal horror with wings unfolding from other wings in a vaguely butterfly configuration.
I can only see them backwards by crossing my eyes. There’s as clear as day but they fall into the page, not pop out of it
Depending on how you cross your eyes you can see a single butterfly, a butterfly on top of a 4-winged butterfly, or a 4-winged butterfly on top of a 6-winged butterfly.
My mom got me a book with around a hundred of these in it like 35 years ago. When I met my now wife around 18 years ago she thought it was the coolest thing in the world. She had never seen them before, so it was neat to be the one to introduce her. She spent hours staring at that book. I think it might have even helped me seem impressive when we first started dating.
Woah, that's the fastest I've ever been able to see one of those, and it was on my phone screen.
Everyone keeps saying to go cross eye or to do all these tricks but I see the image at a glance and it's much simpler and less painful with one trick. Treat it like a window.
The whole point is that you are trying to defocis yours eyes so the image overlaps on itself and makes the image inside it stand out. You can try practicing on other things like a mirror or a screen door or window before looking at these where you focus not on the screen itself or the mirror itself but past it.
If you can trick yourself into just looking into the image like it's behind a window and just casually let your eyes defocus and look for a shape in the mess then you can fixate on it and see the image.
I think it's definitely better than straining to try and see it.
Tip: When your face is close to the screen, don't focus too fast. Let your eyes slowly converge until they lock on
Why is there a Rorschach test as the image? And why does it look like my parents having sex?
These never worked for me because my eyes are too broken. I got -13 Astigmatism so with glasses the image is too blurry even a few cm from my nose, and without glasses it's clear right up on my nose but anything beyond that is a blurry mess.
Aw fuck! I hate those things!
I was expecting a schooner.
It's such a weird feeling to be looking at this, and then I tilt my phone slightly diagonally and it just instantly disappears. Brains are weird.
Also, for anyone that hasn't seen it: Young Rivals - Black Is Good
I finally did it!!!! I've tried these things as a kid and occasionally when they pop up on social media over the years. Never been able to do them. Sometimes I got close, but it left a weird shaped hole my brain couldn't figure out. But I just now did this one.
I wished I still had that framed one I got given as a pressent as a kid. Never knew what it looked like.
I literally can make my eyes just unfocus from all reality and then it appears instantly.
It helps if you cover the upper text part
NEAT! It's a dick pic from OP's mom 👍