He never said that. This quote is from William Pannapacker, a professor of American literature at Hope College in Holland, Michigan.
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He never said that. This quote is from William Pannapacker, a professor of American literature at Hope College in Holland, Michigan.
This is how you remind me?
This is wow you remind me
That's my favourite Dr. Who quote
Audibly laughed!
Ah, figures. I should know better than to post quotes without checking if they're attributed correctly
"Ah, figures. I should know better than to post quotes without checking if they're attributed correctly"
- ~~Wayne Gretzky~~
- Michael Scott
You should probably correct it right? Like swap the image for a different Herzog quote, or change it so the image is William
Ah, figures. I should know better than to post quotes without checking if they’re attributed correctly
Why don't you correct it then? (Eg, either delete your post, or replace the linked image with an updated one that attributes the quote correctly.)
This isn't facebook; please don't post years-old misattributed quote memes.
I immediately thought that doesn't sound like something Herzog would say.
It's nice to imagine Werner's voice saying it though
It's nice to imagine him saying anything at all...dude could brutally roast me and I'd be like that was beautiful sir.
It's gruesome, isn't it? When I was young, I used to believe that people were, for the most part, decent. Misled, often, stupid, very often; but good at heart. Now, I'm convinced that a good third of our society is broken and a third of our society is blind to anything that doesn't affect them.
It was a strange feeling when I reached an age and realized that most people I know didn’t meet the standards of what I thought should be a good person.
Good people make mistakes, often repeatedly. Great people eventually learn something.
I actually originally dug this picture up for a post of this RawStory article titled 'Their ignorance is willful': WaPo analyst says enough with the MAGA voter pity, which is highly relevant.
The problem with the majority of right wing extremists isn't that they're just stupid misled bumpkins, but that they're actual psychopaths who vote for people like Trump because he's promising to hurt everybody they hate
I'm convinced that we've lost, at minimum, 20% of our nation to some kind of mass-hysteria style sociopathy. I mean, maybe they've always been lost and we just didn't realize it, but going forward, I don't think anything can be done to 'fix' them. Most people, I think, are responsive to their environments and social standards, but after a point, you get so dug in that peer pressure doesn't work, even on social animals like us. All we can do is save the children of that 20%.
It's the same with conservatives pretty much around the world right now.
I really don't know how we're going to unfuck the situation without a lot of bloodshed – and make no mistake, it would be them who spill that blood like they're already doing, just at a much larger scale. As it is, conservatives are a threat to stable and peaceful societies, and due to their resistance to meaningful climate action they're an existential threat to humanity in general.
I have some hope, at least. People in general are passive, even when they hate the status quo, they often cede to a fait accompli. The trick is getting each bit a done deal before conservative talking heads have time to formulate the best Pavlovian Ten Minutes' Hate for their audience.
And making sure the kids continue to be alright.
I think what happened is that it became more acceptable to show their nastiness; that they used to have to hide it because our society wouldn't accept it. Then Trump being elevated to president normalized the violence and hatred being out in the open and those people felt safe to come out of the woodwork.
I feel like it was always there, simmering beneath the surface, but I'm a self-admitted (overall) misanthrope who thinks most people are, on average, pretty shitty.
None of what you describe is necessarily mutually exclusive. You can be broken, misled, misinformed, and stupid, while still being good at heart.
I think that everyone is blind to something. Some of us are less so than others. Growing up in this world will do that to a person. Shit happens to everybody. Some of us are better equipped than others to handle it, while others are not.
if it makes you feel any better you were wrong and it was always fucked up. the difference between now and when you were young is that you're more aware now.
“10 percent of any population is cruel, no matter what, and 10 percent is merciful, no matter what, and the remaining 80 percent can be moved in either direction.” -Susan Sontag
Germans are waking up to that as well at the moment.
I've been awake for a while and have been forced to watch the slow move towards it over the decades.
Good thing there's always nature to take your mind off the topic of totally preventable tragedies caused by profit seeking and complacency.
This has been reported for violating rule 2: "No misinformation", as the quote was misattributed.
The full rule:
Don’t post any intentional misinformation. When asked by mods, provide sources for any claims you make.
OP admitted they didn't double check the author of the quote. This means it was not intentional.
Leaving it up.
I'll just make a new one (this isn't oc) when I get home but that'll be 10h at least. It's OK to nuke this since it is sorta misinfo, although I didn't know it when I posted it
Nah. That would nuke all the back-and-forth found here. I'd rather keep the discussion up.
I have a deep appreciation for this level of discernment. Moderating posts and their discussions in good-faith and abiding by the spirit/intention of the rules instead of strict enforcement by letter fosters community trust and makes it more difficult to argue against removals/bans when they do happen.
Thanks for volunteering and keeping the lights on.
People of Earth, you are waking up, as our advanced space-faring race once did...
-- Gul Dukat
Dukat 2024 -- Make Cardassia Great Again
Werner Herzog's "Aguirre: the Wrath of God" is on ! here:
I kinda hate this framing because it makes it seem inevitable and ever-present. Even on the right it's more like 5% true hate, 28% normal Republican who does not find true hate disqualifying. There's plenty of reason to discredit that or disagree with it etc but it's not the same as being in the 5%.
I was just listening to an interview with an evangelical who was lesser-of-two-evils on Trump, he'll vote for Trump but he's not a True Believer.
But if the 28% are still voting for the true hate, how does that not make them complicit in what the hateful government is doing? Knowingly voting for the hateful option puts the 28% in the same pen as the 5%.
he’ll vote for Trump but he’s not a True Believer.
If you support fascists, you are a fascist. Period.
I guess I am in the murderous third. If I could Thanos snap the MAGA out of existence, I would not hesitate.