$68.50 on doordash a day? for one person? also i find it hard to believe that someone would be ordering chili's, applebee's, and hooters when those are some of the worst quality food and people only go there to sit down
Banned? DM Wmill to appeal.
No anti-natilasm posts. See: Eco-fascism Primer
Vaush posts go in the_dunk_tank
hold up have you even met americans?
i had to do some gig delivery at one point and I can assure you that people are absolutely ordering that shit on the apps. And this was in a large city where you could get pretty much anything you want
i believe you but i seriously question those customers' judgement. i've delivered ubereats/doordash as well and it sent me to those places like 1% of the time, most of what i delivered was Chinese places, five guys, and a local taco place
I dated a girl who told me she spent $600/month on take out and she was on a student's budget.
This is the most basic list of food to buy. But also: WHO THE FUCK ORDERS $1500 WORTH OF HOOTERS???
Absolutely shameful to order Hooters when there is literally any other wing restaurant around, and I checked, there's two Wingstops near this man. And it's not because it's a breastaurant, it's because the food is terrible.
I do self-criticism constantly because I’m trapped in a Maoist cult where comrades (white terrorists) criticize me mercilessly for having a fascist credit card (VISA Silver Signature Rewards)
They won’t let me order vegan pizza anymore because the phone is fascist and “summoning my pizza slaves with a bourgeois app” is “bad vibes”
This is the moment that I finally realize that the Maoist cult was right all along.
this stupid bastard has spent three thousand dollars to get chilis employees to microwave things for him remotely
how many fucking fast food places are there in the US? you have one callled fat shack??????
The list was actually cut off, so there's more
Wicked Good Sandwiches
Freddy's Frozen Custard and Steakburgers
Bojangles' Chicken 'n Burritos
Captain D's Seafood Kitchen
Shipley Do-Nuts
Bubbakoo's Burritos
This is like if that one Japanese baseball simulator generated names for American fast food places
They make their own food dork
Also imagine posting such a self own of your taste buds, I always eat at a hole in the wall ran by a Chinese grandma that berates me for not being a fatass and gives me free food
I can't believe no one in this thread mentioned this guy was sued for wage theft of tens of thousands of dollars
If i googled every no name hack who made a bad post on twitter that ended up on hexbear I'd get even more of nothing done with my life
This is how I imagine all people who say they "don't know how to cook" live
Btw the tweet he's quoting was cropped out, he's replying to a stat about the majority of Nashville workers making under $40k. When I first saw this I assumed "I really find this stat hard to believe" meant he's surprised he spent $25k on doordash, but nope he's surprised poor people exist.
What the hell? With that same budget this guy could have gotten twice as much catering. Or had food in person at much fancier restaurants. For that same amount of money he could have like flown to France and had a 3 Michelin star chef feed him directly into his mouth like a baby bird.
Or he could have at least ordered food that isn't dogshit. How do you eat $4000 of Chick-fil-A per year and not die?
another opportunity to mention that Michelin Stars are a thing a tire company made to sell more cars and wear through more tires by encouraging road trips to restaurants
Imagine having enough money to not only have a very well equipped kitchen but also hire a part time private chef to prep meals for you and you spend five figures on garbage that poor people are stuck eating because they don't have time to cook for themselves.
Lol and i think it’s fair to say that most poor people can’t even afford fast food anymore. A Big Mac is almost 10 bucks now. Like what?
maybe this is weird of me but i have nothing but contempt for people who regularly order doordash/grubhub. Something about paying some servant over an app to go buy your treats for you pisses me off
You could not waterboard this list of food out of me. I doordash too much but it's like...for my local Nepalese restaurant when it's raining. Admittedly I have much better options than doordash for the same price 20m out my door.
edit: Link to Tweet
At first, I assumed it was satire.
Then, I went to his Twitter profile and it didn't look like satire but I couldn't how an editor for (what I assumed to be) a local newspaper could make enough to blow $25K/year on delivery.
But looking through the replies, I found someone link to this article
Jason Steen, the owner of hyper-local, digital media operations critics say sensationalize arrests that are minor, violent, graphic, bizarre or just embarrassing, is preparing for his own public brush with criminal and civil legal matters.
Steen's former employees at Scoop: Clarksville claim he owes tens of thousands in wages, dating to November. He's facing at least four pending civil suits. His next court date is scheduled for March 31.
and this one
Rising comedian Josh Black has set his sights on Scoop: Nashville, the local outlet most notorious for posting mugshots of recent and embarrassing arrests. Black also takes aim at the site’s founder, Jason Steen, for recent disparaging comments made about Black women activists — and in response, Steen posted a since-deleted tweet that he would "restart" the practice of publishing victims' names and addresses.
“For some reason, Scoop: Nashville likes to attack poor and working class people,” says Black in the opening of a new video, citing the mugshot-shaming that grew the website’s brand. He adds that the website especially targets Black people, people experiencing homelessness and those struggling with substance abuse. “He’s consciously assisting in the mass incarceration of Black people.”
Black also points to the shockingly high incarceration rate in North Nashville, saying, “Scoop: Nashville is handing out a hotline number … so you can get more of them locked up.” The comedian also mentions that Steen has a criminal record as well — a felony theft charge against Steen came up during his bid for circuit court clerk in Montgomery County.
The mugshot-posting has also been a source of profit — as Black notes, the site and others owned by Steen charged money for the removal of such posts. (The options no longer appear to be on Scoop sites, though Steen’s defense of the practice out of state remains online.) Steen is also pleased with the advertising he gets from bail bond companies.
and it all started to make sense...
$1500 doordash from hooters
You know what, I get hooters. I understand wanting to be served by busty ladies in tight uniforms. I'm only a woman. But why would you ever order take out from a place where the whole point is ogling the staff.
: |
There is no god. Paradoxically, this is hell and we are being punished.
The restaurant list is extra wild to me. I spend too much on delivery than I should (obviously over an order of magnitude less than him) and if it's a treat it might as well be something good? Fucking chili's??
Why on God's green Earth would someone get Hooter's delivered!?!? I hate the restaurant but it's like buying alcohol to go from a strip club. Being there is the point!
I have never ordered delivery in my life. Just one of my symptoms from growing up with poor people brain.
Not sure if this is supposed to be conservative satire of millennials because they think everyone is eating $50k avocado toast, or a genuinely out of touch asshole.
Like, you know grocery stores have premade salads and shit. Could’ve easily door dashed a big salad, soup, sandwiches, etc. There isn’t a single real meal here. Just greasy mystery ingredient
Secret third thing: more boomers live like this than we expect and that's why they think the avocado toast criticism makes sense.
yes yes consumer choices don't make you moral/immoral
all i'm saying is that spending 3000 dollars at chilis is a death sentence, okay?
also, slightly off topic here...
it's maddening the way the fast food industry has been able to sanitize its image to the point where you now have nominally 'progressive' ~~people~~ americans insist that there's no such thing as 'bad food' and that's it's actually great that we're clogging our arteries with buckets of addictive grease
how is this person alive what the fuck
Classic blue checkmark shit, it's nice to spot morons from a mile away like that.
Doordashing Hooters for $1500 is a good bit
Literally burgerland type shit lmao
Absolutely mind-boggling how you can use doordash 2-3+ times a day and not ONCE think "hey maybe today I'll venture a little bit and order food from a cool local restaurant instead of a junk food chain"
I order doordash maybe once every 3 months and usually try something new; Thai, Pakistani, Guatemalan, etc. If I had the money to get restaurant food more in general I would constantly be trying stuff from different cultures. Not saying I never go to fast food restaurants but I find it so fucking odd how anyone can choose slop day after day. And the only remotely non-American/European item on the list is a gentrified gringo Mexican chain
If I made this kind of money I'd probably get delivery decently often too, and probably would get slop that other people would judge (I regularly get 99s and fast food). I cant cook for myself (besides pasta) because autism and never being taught, so I order out pretty often even on social security.
But I wouldnt go as low as to order Hooters. Thats the biggest mindblow for me here.
this person is a literal infant child and service workers are their mommy
Has this person never heard of a grocery store