A message to my fellow guys: if you dislike this, guess what: it's real easy to stop being the target of it. All you have to do is quit being a misogynistic, authoritarian piece of shit.
Lemmy community for posting and sharing articles.
For real, it’s astounding(not really) how much women appreciate not being treated and viewed like they are things to be owned and controlled
Yeah honestly as a guy I'm all for it. I absolutely do not blame women who do not want to have sex when they're treated like 2nd class citizens who's bodies are controlled by old, creepy men in Congress.
This isn't targeted at just the shitty dudes. It's no sex with any dudes period until they get their rights back.
Judging from all the hurt feelings and angry defensiveness I'm seeing in this thread this might be an extremely effective form of protest. Fragile toxic masculinity is so predictable.
You can tell a protest is working when it causes people to elect the people you're protesting against
Gen-X men got him elected. As a white man in his 40s, I’m disgusted. After moving out of the city, I just can’t converse with most of the white men my age. The majority of my friends are now younger than me or POC.
It's my understanding that a lot of Gen-Z men backed Trump as well. Can't say I understand the appeal he has to the younger crowd.
Sorry about the fucking idiots. Thanks for not fucking the idiots
More women voted for Harris, but there was still a giant number of women who voted for Trump. The women who voted for him won't do this and the women who didn't vote for him wouldn't have dated been who did anyway.
I don't really get this because anyone participating in this is left enough that they probably wouldn't want to date a misogynistic, right wing men.
Maybe I am too man to understand but hoping to get a better perspective.
Edit: After thinking about this I could see how the movement could help encourage woman out of these toxic relationships and empower them to live without a man.
Yeah, my niece, who is generally a worldly, progressive person, was talking about this guy whom she's not ready to call 'boyfriend' yet, and part of that description was, "he's, like, super into Hitler."
Doesn't that seem like kind of a red flag? ??
My wife accidentally dated a white supremacist before we met. She’s not even white. She found out like six months into their relationship, when she stumbled upon a tumblr post about white power dogwhistles and immediately recognized like four of his most prominent tattoos. He even got one of them after they had started dating.
She initially dismissed it as a coincidence, until she saw the same tats on a lot of his friends. Some women will try to excuse a lot of red flags if they’re not directed at her specifically.
I understand the sentiment, but this is intrinsically self-defeating if at most one half of the female population participates while the other half if quickly drifting towards the trad-wife high birth rate shit.
It is just math.
"Lysistrata" is a 2400 year-old play about the women of Greece ending the Peloponnesian Wars by withholding sex.
If it's good for the Greeks...
Which ironically is a top climate change helper. One silicon valley baby is worth half a damn African village in terms of carbon footprint.
It's the affluent, highly-educated, well-off women (by world standards) who have the biggest effect by having fewer children.
Plus, a whole category of nazi bullshut dodged, the original point.
If I were a cis woman, I also wouldn't want to risk pregnancy by being with a cis man. Certainly not in a country where being pregnant is increasingly more dangerous to one's life.
Also for my trans homies - remember that HRT is not birth control.
Careful. The Trad Wives were already planning on out competing progressives for their upcoming... "culture war". We risk Idiocracy scenario.
Lmao all we need to do is deny men any meaningful relationships, that'll deradicalize them for sure
I would love to hear other opinions. If you think that ostracizing the specific demographic that you needed for this election is a good idea, please let me know. Personally, I think it's incredibly stupid. If the only women that a guy is able to get the time of day from are conservatives, I think that's gonna make guys more open to conservatism.
Because people refuse to read the article, it says
The idea behind the movement is individual resistance against what it defines as a conservative political environment and the corrosion of reproductive rights.
This is explicitly a movement attempting to affect political change, at least according to the article that we're discussing. I understand and support swearing off relationships for the sake of protecting yourself, but that is not the argument that the article is making.
During Trump's last presidency a friend of mine told a guy who was making disgusting comments towards her to fuck off. You know what he did? He punched her in the face and broke her jaw. She needed surgery.
He got maybe a few weeks in jail and since he's unemployed suing him for the medical costs was fruitless. This was in a blue state too.
Shit's fucked up and I don't know how else to help people understand that women are genuinely afraid of men for a reason. I'm sorry if that hurts some genuinely good dudes feelings out there. It's not their fault some percentage of men act like feral animals and pull shit like this.
Then you have trump encouraging these types and it's a really fucked up situation. All because some grown ass men with the self control of an infant can't function in society without hurting people and need misogyny and racism to bolster their tiny egos because it's the only hierarchy in which they aren't on the bottom....since they've never accomplished anything worthwhile in their lives.
These violent men are often the same ones who raise their sons "not to be sissies" and teach them to repress their emotions because "crying is for girls." That's emotional abuse at best. There's probably a lot of physical abuse accompanying that too.
Anyway, sorry about the length of this. My point is that the types of men who hurt women are often the same ones who abuse their sons and perpetuate the mental health crisis among young men which I'm sure contributes to the high suicide rates among young men.
I really wish people could understand we're fighting the same enemy.
I'm all for women doing this, I'm just worried it'll literally be the beginning of Idiocracy.
This is kind of how Idiocracy starts.
Who cares - go for it?
With your username, I would think you'd be more enthusiastic and cheering them on lol
Whatever "power that be" is attacking all the pillars that uphold good democratic societies. It started with Government moved to Science then Medicine, and Media, it attacked trust in Police and Courts. It has been systematic.
I knew relationships between men and women should be in there since it is such a major part of keeping a society running but I never knew how it would get attacked. Honestly never thought it could. Lately its been obvious reading some places online like where the whole idea of marriage is treated like a dessert and where people gather to describe every ick imaginable while demanding that its members deserve only the best most succulent desserts.
There's a total break down of society and I don't think its just natural. I fully believe there's some paradigm shift going on and this is all the groundwork for it.
I thought this was common knowledge that the elites waged a culture war after occupy Wall Street.
What is unfortunate is that their strategy sinks the very ship they sit on top of.