"but see how you did 1% of the shit we did" is a common, cheap republican trick.
You can't both-sides this one.
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"but see how you did 1% of the shit we did" is a common, cheap republican trick.
You can't both-sides this one.
I still think it’s fair to call out this kind of stuff, regardless of who does it.
When political leaders directly benefit from a system they have no incentive to change it.
Too be fair, he was lamenting that they let this happen... He didn't say he wouldn't take advantage!
I have maintained critical support for Singh despite being significantly to the left of him. I have appreciated that he has made significant progress for working people with the supply and confidence deal despite the relatively weak electoral position held by the party.
That aside, this is the sort of thing to make me question judgement. The NDP has the fewest landlord MPs by a wide margin which is a significant public image victory. Having the leader of the party connected to owning rental properties like this is a huge own goal that would have been very easy to avoid. There are a lot of other places Singh's family could have placed it's wealth and made a fine return, it didn't have to be this one.
Is it only the one property? Could it be they own a plex? Could it be their primary residence?
I wouldn't judge until I have more details.
You would make a very bad Conservative.
Could they simply be renting their own house while they live elsewhere?
And still paying for it, what a crime! /s
I genuinely don’t understand, maybe because I’m an immigrant from a place where housing issues are very different from Canada.
Is owning a rental property generally considered a “get rich quick” scheme?
What the actual fuck though? If this isn't some temporary situation then I never want to hear him bring up the housing crisis again without someone mentioning this. Go ahead and watch the "we're proud to provide a rental for a fellow Canadian" BS that no one ever calls out PP on.
Like nah, you're taking advantage of a fellow Canadian. You didn't "add a rental" you took away a unit for purchase and force someone to pay a surcharge to rent it from you.
I'm not a landlord, but I also don't feel like all landlords are grifters, there's a non zero chance they saved up and bought/mortgaged a second place, and are renting it out.
I've been a renter, i've had good and bad landlords, most were just people trying to get by doing a job. Being a landlord isn't an easy job.
Also people selling you shit aren't taking advantage of a fellow canadian, their just selling you shit, i don't see how landlords are any different.
Sincere out-of-the-loop question:
Has Jagmeet made statements that make this especially hypocritical, or is it just the general sentiment that being a landlord is inherently problematic?
What he said is in the image.
The rest of the world is shocked to learn that his wife leans Liberal and/or Conservative and are bemoaning the suffragette success that allows her to express that.
Oh lol I totally overlooked that the tweet on the bottom was FROM HIM.
Thanks for helping me learn to read.