#الجزيرة للديكور وتشطيب واجهات المنازل المصرية باجود انواع الحجر الطبيعى وباقل تكاليف تشطيب واجهات منازل مودرن بين اسعار الحجر فى مصر
Terrible Estate Agent Photos
Terrible photos listed by estate agents/realtors that are so bad they’re funny.
Posting guidelines.
Posts in this community must be of property (inside or out) listed for sale which contains a terrible element. “Terrible” can refer to:
the photo itself (finger over the lens, too far away, people in the shot, bad Photoshop, etc.)
the property (weird layout, questionable plumbing, unsound structure, etc.)
the interior (carpeted bathrooms, awful taste interiors, weird mannequins/taxidermies/art, inflatable pools indoors, etc.)
the actual listing itself including unusual descriptions and unrealistic pricing. However, this isn’t a community to discuss the housing market in general. This is a comedic community - let’s keep it light.
Photos can be sourced from anywhere and be any age, but please check they haven’t already been posted.
Censor any names/contact details of private individuals.
Mark the post NSFW if it includes nudity or sensitive content
This community follows the rules of the feddit.uk instance and the lemmy.org code of conduct. I’ve summarised them here:
- Be civil, remember the human.
- No insulting or harassing other members. That includes name-calling.
- Respect differences of opinion. Civil discussion/debate is fine, arguing is not. Criticise ideas, not people.
- Keep unrequested/unstructured critique to a minimum.
- Remember we have all chosen to be here voluntarily. Respect the spent time and effort people have spent creating posts in order to share something they find amusing with you.
- Swearing in general is fine, swearing to insult another commenter isn’t.
- No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia or any other type of bigotry.
- No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies.
For those who don't know, the phrase "let them eat cake" is commonly attributed to Marie Antoinette, the Queen of France in the late 18th century. However, there's no concrete evidence she actually said this. The phrase is used to portray her as out of touch with the suffering of the French people during a time of widespread poverty and famine.
Having the phrase "let them eat cake" in a super luxurious house is incredibly insensitive because it symbolizes a callous disregard for the struggles of those less fortunate. It's a reminder of the kind of detachment and insensitivity that can perpetuate social inequalities and exacerbate class divides, which is particularly tone-deaf in a setting of opulence.
I'm gonna say they probably just think it sounds cool and have no idea what it actually means
Nah they definitely know and are using it to flaunt their wealth over us poors
One of you is right.
Generally when something can be explained due to stupidity or maleficence, stupidity is usually the culprit.
Given that this quote is related an historical myth, I think this stupidity is way more likely.
Stupid, but still insensitive.
What if the homeowner openly and confidently enjoys the struggles of the less fortunate?
They might be a cake maker
They probably use a TON of fondant. Ewwe
It's not tone deaf. They know exactly what they're doing. That's the tone they want.
Is it still "tone deaf" if they know exactly what they're saying?
Yeah, tone deaf isn’t the right word. Overtly evil and stupid is probably the phrase they were looking for.
Hanlon's Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.
I could easily see an out of touch rich person thinking of it only as a thing that goes along with rich people, (and not realize the actual meaning).
I mean we already have a solution to this don't we?
My wife is a pastry chef and her dream is to open her own pastry shop and called it "let them eat cake".
Your wife probably needs to have a charitable angle to her core business plan or people may get mad if it's solely catering to wealthy people. Something like weekly cupcake donations to a local shelter.
That might make it difficult to get an online presence since the name is a common phrase.
Elon is having the same problem with X because... well it's a letter that's part of the friggin language.
Yes, Elon is really struggling to get him or his business mentioned online lol
I wouldn't. That's just begging for a guillotine shop to open up next door.
People forget that it was the bakers that got it first at the start of the French Revolution.
Your wife must attain her dream!
"Up the Bundt" would be a better name.
It's like they're trying to get eaten at this point
The bourgeoisie know EXACTLY what they are, and what the joke is. They get it. They're laughing at us.
Constantly laughing at us. They know how stupid we are for doing exactly what they want like their little slaughter pigs. Generation after generation, we obey them with a smile on our faces.
So I mean, can you really blame them for laughing at the joke, when we're the ones making it funny for them? :-(
I very badly want to know what that pattern is in the pool. The striping is tacky but what's that crest/logo?
Looks like it says "The Beverly Estate". I really like the "Cocaine toothache drop" backrest on the pool bench, stay classy 1%!
Oof that's bad. Also looks like they're about to build something big up that hill and there will be other houses looking down now.
Tacky is an understatement. The striping is superglue.
It says "The Beverly Estate," in part because it's located at 1326 Beverly Estates Dr. in Beverly Hills.
if you search for let them eat cake decor, you'll see it has turned into another live laugh love
Yeah, unpopular opinion but this is just whimsical (albeit tone deaf) kitchen decor about cake. Not “evil”.
Arbeit macht frei is just whimsical tone deaf commentary on hard work, amirite?
I once saw a giant "Who Is John Galt" sign in an Urban Outfitters. So... Could be worse?
Let them eat the rich
1326 Beverly Estate Dr, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, USA
Omg too soon
Only three bedrooms? No thanks.
If this doesn’t radicalize you, nothing will.
I didn't realize at first that the property manager decorated it all this way to be ready for renting out lol
The over-the-topness of it all makes more and less sense that way- let them eat cake and monopoly man, naked newspaper reader and swimmer ladies, cocaine ad bench cushion by the pool