Well my list is this:
- installed shit
- all
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Well my list is this:
Smart move, you're playing Game Categorization, the Game for free on Steam’s dime.
One of my favorites, I can't wait for the sequel
TIL there are Steam categories
I have over 300 games in 2 categories:
My list is just my entire list, sorted by installed and recent. No folders, no organisation, just a very long list
sorted by
no organisation
Ok, fair but it's definitely not folders and shit haha
There are categories? My 446 entries are just kind of there, alphabetically.
I don't use them
I didn't know they existed, haha.
Same I learned something
Steam user since the early days, and no categories here. Why bother. Thousands of games, too much work.
Same thing with profiles, like what do I need that shit for?
Edit: I do want to say, I admire your organization.
..... New Years resolution to say something nice a lot more often, we call could use it ......
Steam has the ability to create dynamic collections which is great for larger libraries
Oh I know they exist... I have thousands of games. Category: games.
Man, calling them "backlogs" seems like a very unhealthy way of thinking about it. They're games you play for fun and enjoyment, not work you're behind on.
My categories are: Games I shall play one day: just all the games I haven't given a fair shake yet and would like to get around to at some point.
Games I am playing: games that I am actively playing, usually with some activity within the last month
Games I am done with: games I no longer want to play for whatever reason. Used to be "Games I have completed" but that didn't make much sense with multiplayer games or roguelikes, and it worked better for games I hadn't completed and just could not be arsed to complete.
Free games: games I have gotten for free and so have no plans to play.
Also have one for online multiplayer games and one for local multiplayer for when friends want to play something
Most of the time tho I just use the sort by recent and only installed bittons since those are the games I want to see anyway
I would do this.
And then only play Rocket League.
I’m surprised I didn’t see it mentioned here (unless I missed it) but I use the “hide game” function liberally. Anything I’m not interested in, gave up on with no chance of trying again, completed with no desire to revisit, or won’t touch for any other reason just goes away, out of sight. It helps give a real sense of progression through your collection and you can pare it down to favorites you would likely revisit and things you have yet to play. And the hidden tab is easily viewable if you ever want to look at everything for any reason like rethinking putting a particular game in there.
I am in awe of your organization.
I'm migrating away from steam and starting my library over.(Moving away from accounts and drm) So in the future my library will only have games that I have actually played and will play.
Yeah I'm buying games twice but no one likes captain hindsight.
I mean, if you've already paid for the games in the past, and you're going totally DRM free anyway... I feel like you're morally all good to go sailing.
Modern games are a pain in the ass and the download speeds are horrible. I'd rather just buy them and download the game in 2 hours.
I don't mind supporting the devs I like, anyways.
Good for you. That's the way. I've only ever bought one game from steam and it cost me $0.99. Most of my games are from GOG where I can actually download the .exe file because I should be able to, because I own the fucking game. I know there are drm free games on steam, but I've always liked GOG. I have a bunch of games .exe files backed up in several places. I also have a bunch of PS4/PS3/PS2 games, physical copies.
Valve has made it so I can game entirely on linux. I remember when Steam started and I hated it, I didn't want an account. But after all these years its been nothing but ways that benefit me.
I like GOG but they can't be bothered to even create a library tool. Yes third party ones exist, but you would think they could at least try.
And in the end, if it all goes away, it was just games. Not like I couldnt get them back if I really tried, and if you really wanted to do something about it, you CAN archive your steam library.
I think that's part of why you have a backlog.
In all seriousness though, I have a couple lists for like "Workshop" and "Souls like," otherwise it's just sorted by what's installed and most recent.
I do have a favorites list though.
Steam has categories?
Categories? I don't use categories. Just a single giant list! Also, I never clear out my email inbox and let it pile up into the thousands! And no one can stop me. MWHAHAHAA!
I have an _installed, a backlog in general, genre based dynamic categories, and a few special categories such as "bad games that should feel bad", "broke shit check for patch later" "GFWL Broken" and "games of lost interest"
Only one custom category for the best indie games.
But I dont really need it since I uninstall games I dont play and my library view is filtered to installed only:
i have 3 categories:
not hentai
I'm not organizing 1200 games. Nor will I ever play them all lol.
No I already have a full time job.
I just have a finished one where I move them after I finish the story or I'm done with a game.
I stopped doing that after the first few hundreds... Now I'm at >5000 or so and only do a "bought to actually play" category 😁
Thats a lot of categories. I've got "current", "Done with", "never again" and the uncategorized, since functionally that is my backlog.
Guess I'm kinda normal. I just install what I wanna play, filter by playable and store by last played.
I was playing this game too much, with complex system which never actually encouraged me to play any of the games I have categorized (and I had similar system as OP). Please dear fellow gamers - don't fall into same trap =)
Now I have only 4:
I use recent sorting, which help a lot to mitigate any kind of lock on what to play today. It's more like recommendation
I am trying to free myself from finishing games 100% and avoid all side/boring activities, also now I'm free to pick whichever game I want, instead of planned (like work) consumption with previous system.
It has really brighten my playtime, now it feels more like joy than before.
I have an "immediate backlog" of 5 games, about 30 in my "primary backlog," and about 60 in my "backlog." I promote or demote based on vibe and try to play 1 game at a time. I also have a tight curation of favorites and Steam Deck bangers.
I categorize them based on their franchise. But if they're not part of any franchise or they're the only game I have they'd just be uncategorized.
I currently have it sorted by year (I used some year date from Steam, but that isn't super accurate as I think it's the date it was added to Steam). I think I used Depressurizer?
I used to have it sorted by the Steam score, IIRC.
I only have 3: -TO PLAY -BANGERS -Uncategorized