600W is going require some serious cooling and is going to generate a lot of noise. I am not at all surprised by these requirements.
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The CPU is maybe another couple hundred watts, too. I mean, it's not just your case that's going to need cooling. At some point, the room is going to start needing some kind of ventillation or something when the thing is spooled up.
With a rig like that, who needs heating during the winter?
Guess it's time to update those old Fermi George Foreman grill memes.
I'll just point a box fan at it, that should do it!
The site recommends a psu of at least 1000W. It's gonna be tons of fun when you turn on your computer and your fuses trip because of an overloaded network
Just don't game and microwave at the same time, should be fine lmao
So back when dial up meant you couldn't use the phone and internet at the same time, but this time with every appliance.
Future living spaces will need to put each computer area on its own breaker 💀
It would have to sound like a jet engine. I have an induction burner and I cook most everything at 600 watts.
sounds like a jet engine
If you stick multiple of them in one case, I imagine that it can sound like a whole jet plane.
We have lift off!
GeForce FX 5800 all over again!
nVidia pretty much makes cards like these for every generation, they just don't get released because the excess power and price required to get that last 5% of performance is just bonkers due to massive diminishing returns.
Guess they are betting on there being enough people with way more money that sense to actually sell these to this time around.
Let’s stack ten thousand of them together so some teen can cheat on their English homework.