ADHD in media: Oooh a rabbit!
ADHD in reality: Ooh a rabbit hole of information that may reprioritize my need to eat, sleep, or perform simple tasks!
The lighter side of ADHD
ADHD in media: Oooh a rabbit!
ADHD in reality: Ooh a rabbit hole of information that may reprioritize my need to eat, sleep, or perform simple tasks!
ADHD in reality: you see it wasn't actually Constantine I that established Christianity as the religion of Rome, as you'll see in things like the Da Vinci Code (which was so wack, you know, that they weren't allowed to film in Westminster Abbey they had to go to Lincoln cathedral but director Ron Howard said it worked out better (that Ron Howard, by the way, you know the guy in Happy Days?)), anyway he merely legalised it, it was actually Theodosius I who made it the state religion (and(!) by the way he actually wasn't acting alone but it was a joint declaration with a junior co-ruler called Valentinian II who...
(guy holding knife) "Look, man, I'm just trying to rob you, but I'm just going to cut my losses and go, you know? would that be ok? we cool?"
".. LEMME FINISH!! .. who had gotten an Arian slant on Christianity from his mother, Empress Justina while at court in Milan against the wishes of the nicene bishop who was called Ambrose (you know, like the custard..."
"oh god.."
The origin of the largest birthday gift in history (Statue of Liberty) is a similar rabbit hole of neat coincidences
I'm not attention deficit, I'm the best at paying attention, I can pay attention way better than you!
like I can pay attention to how the clock in the back of the classroom stalls for a second every 5 seconds and then jumps 2 seconds forward while maintaining the correct increase in time and-- wait what do you mean it's time to hand in the test?
Sometimes I get full imposter syndrome and think I'm not really ADHD but then I read shit like this and thinks oh god dammit I do this constantly with SO MANY THINGS and I do in fact have ADHD
Your last sentence made me remember the second teacher I made cry. Mrs. Graham. RIP.
She was my kindergarten teacher. She just knew I was going to be the first kid that she'd had in 20 years of teaching that would ace the yearly standardized test the state gave us. I would have too, if I would have paid enough attention to the test to answer the last two questions, but I couldn't sit still for very long. It still took till 6th grade for them to realize I had ADD. Luckily for Mrs. Graham my little brother is also really good at tests, but didn't have ADD. He was her first perfect tester.
First teacher I made cry was a Montessori school teacher. I was her prized pupil, and she called my mother in tears because, "he CAN'T be sick today. The board of directors is here!"
I had a fun story about how this way of describing ADHD is also a description of ADHD, but lost track of the goal and wrote this instead.
...maybe I should get tested....
Do it! ADHD can screw with emotional regulation or cause you to hyper fixate on intrusive thoughts etc. It's not all fun rabbit holes n may be impacting you in ways you didn't realize (like me) 💗
I had emotional regulation and hyperfixating on intrusive thoughts and memories big time until I started on Elvanse. It was really really bad by the end. It turned out that Elvanse was quite a life saving medication for me and if I forget to take it for a few days it becomes a lot harder to maintain the dysregulation.
And nobody ever told that this could be a symptom of something and not just self-centered over-thinking! I've just recently started to realise the same: fixating on intrusive thoughts, feelings of anxiety/anger or constant existential crisis has apprently been just ADHD all along (well, not just that of course but oh boi does it amplify them). And how can this medicine turn them off just like that?! Why didn't I have access to this before?!
my partner is going to a psych today and I'll be going too if it proves to be affordable
Do it! It only took me ~~3 months~~. ~~6 months~~. ~~2 years~~ 3 years to get myself checked out
I love reading these. It makes me realize I’m not the only one. I just spent 30 minutes looking up gasoline logos from the 1960s because my wife asked about a logo with a red cat.
For me, it's more like, "Hey, look at that squirrel. I wonder what kind it is. That tree has really interesting bark. Is it injured, or does it shed bark naturally? And those seeds...I used to identify seeds. Maybe I've seen them before. I wish I could take a picture for the iNaturalist app—ohmygodthebusishere! Fuck, when did I wander halfway between the stop and the tree‽"
Literally earlier today:
Ok, don't miss your exit. It's XYZ, in just a few miles.
Ok, it's the next exit. Get into the right lane and turn when you can - what's that?
Why did this guy merge into traffic doing 20 under the speed limit? I have to pass him. Did the limit change? Is anyone else passing him? Why didn't he have his flashers on? Is he speeding up now or is he still just causing a hazard by going so slow? Am I the crazy one or is it him?
Ok, it looks like I'm far enough away, but I need to keep an eye on him just a bit longer to make sure I'm not still in danger-- and there goes my exit.
Not being able to choose what you focus on SUCKS.
*missing the bus while fully aware you are about to/gonna miss it but just can't stop reading about that damn tree
Hyper focus?
These are the same descriptions. One is just significantly more succinct than the other.