Great shot kid!
Star Wars
Discussion for all things Star Wars. Movies, books, games, TV shows and more are welcome.
1. Keep it civil.
2. Keep it Star Wars related.
3. No memeposts. Memes are great and everybody loves them, but there is already [email protected] for those.
Community icon art from DeviantArt user DavidDeb.
Banner art by Ralph McQuarrie.
Is Blue sky activity pub connected so that we can follow people from Mastodon? I don't really follow people (and as a result don't use Mastodon much), but I'd love to follow him!
If people choose to follow Bridgy Fed then Bluesky-Mastodon interoperability works fine.
No idea if Hamill does.
Still not going to use bluesky lol
I'm just really struggling to get into Mastadon.
Lmao ive seen him sign posts with "Mar🐪"
To me its also a reminder that he's alive. I keep getting mixed up with how Leia survives but carrie fisher died, and Luke dies or goes all space spirit but mark hamill is alive.
George takei too
I prefer to aim low and relax.