Ça va mal à shop
This is m-eh-mes a Canadian shitposting community
Canada, being Canada, is dealing with American nationalism and jingoism by happily and obliviously aping it back at them. And this appears to be bringing out a bunch of latent animosity towards Quebec. Yeah, yeah, "But this post is a complement to Quebec!" Bullshit. It's a passive aggressive attack on Quebec. One of several posted recently.
Buddy, this is a meme sub. Don't take it so seriously.
Maybe I should have made the community name more obvious lol.
It's not at all an attack against Quebec, nor even a compliment really. It's a statement of just how badly the US and Trump have royally messed up that they could get us all to put aside a long-standing disagreement in order to come together in this fight for our country... for all our sakes. I'm really sorry you feel the way you do, and really glad not all Quebecers feel the way you do... cause reading your comment was very disheartening.
As a Canadian with half their family on either side of the Ontario/Quebec border, this shit has always pissed me off. All this animosity toward Quebec is not only ignorant, but also a driving force behind the separatist movement. The votes failed folks, that means Quebec is very much Canada and wants to stay that way. Accept that and pratice some fucking empathy with your countrymen instead of encouraging civil unrest.
It's crazy, cause all of Canada seems to hate Quebec, but Quebec only hates Ontario.
No. Everyone hates Ontario, even Ontario. Quebec is just being normal.
Indeed, Esti de câlice de tabarnak, c'est pas possible comment que t'es cave ... eh?
(Thank you Wikipedia.)