Didn't they come out after he went publicly crazy?
A place to post your Cybertruck fails! We're here to make fun of this hunk of shit and throw as much shade as we can to that garbage bag of a human elon.
No doxxing No slurs No racism And no fucking nazis!
Many people consider him calling that cave explorer a pedo guy to be the start of him going publicly crazy, which happened in June 2018 (ymmv depending on how much or how little you paid attention). The Cybertruck design was revealed and reservations started being taken in November 2019.
Yeah that was the moment the facade cracked imo, or more likely that was the day after he did a butt load of ketamine and fired everyone including his pr team
Somewhere between the hyperloop and boring company were my first red flags. I also had enough experience with telematics and self driving technology to know he was full of shit about the full self driving claims. But I just thought he was a moron from those, not a dangerous moron.
Also I knew an engineer who’d already left Tesla because of the work environment, but it wasn’t clear if it was directly Elno’s fault.
I think the initial down payment phase was after he bought Twitter but before the recent election stuff. The delivery was certainly after he went full crazy, so it was a question of losing I think a $5k down payment
You guys are underestimating how much an average Joe doesn’t pay attention to things that are pretty public. The fact of the matter is that even though he was going crazy, that was not being covered on network news much.
Wow, look at that piece of shit.
EDIT: Didn't actually see the bottom set of pictures
If you didn't know Elon was crazy by the time the cybertruck, specifically, was announced, you must have been living under a god damn rock.
There's probably a Jewish techbro or two who had their awakening with the Seig Heils.
I kinda need to know what animal made said shit. Dog shit would be the likely answer. If someone took a shit and carried that shit to this dumpster, then that is a whole other level of fuck this. Be careful about DNA matches!
Someone smeared shit on his shit.
Nah, watch/listen to the Behind the Bastards episode on Muskrat, he's been a complete net negative for society since forever. Even as a child he was kind of weird, but by the time he was 18? Completely eating his own shit for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
... The Truck's design itself is insanity. The fact that it exists makes the claim impossible.
If I lived near that guy, I would have a strong urge to rebut those stickers using a sharpie or paint pen.
I feel like the cybertruck is the modern equivalent of a zoot suit
Weren't zoot suits cool at some point?
Yeah, buying that car is more like putting on a dunce hat.
Zoot suits don’t deserve this slander.
We should riot.
That is soooo nasty, but I am laughing out loud...
I'm both disgusted, yet pleased.