If you need translations, use deepL instead.
Dein Beitrag / deine Meinung erscheint mir plausibel, sie passt in mein Weltbild, das übernehme ich jetzt für mich.
Ganz genau so sehe ich das auch.
Tbh if he masturbates with headphones in the same house as his mother, it's an important lesson to learn to always keep one ear open for potential knocks. 🤭
Maybe warn him about that so he can avoid the potential trauma
Ich stimme dir sonst zu aber
Die Linke will weniger Sanktionen gegen Russland.
sehe ich anders. So wie ich das lese wollen sie mehr Sanktionen, allerdings gezielt gegen die Obrigkeit und weniger gegen die Allgemeinheit.
Größter Flex der Geschichte: nicht antreten, darum keine Diskussionen mitmachen, trotzdem gewählt werden
Lol, das wäre schon echt wild
Ich sehe FDP nicht mehr bei irgendwas wo SPD oder Grün dabei sind
Interesting. No matter which domain name I check with my registrar, .io is always ~9€ per month and .com is ~2€ per month (if it's available that is).
Some registrars (like GoDaddy) like to basically do squatting themselves, and then offer you that domain as a "premium domain", costing whatever they think they can press out of you for that domain. So that's not the registering price, it's the squatting price.
It gets expensive if you want a domain name that someone already owns, that gets unreasonably expensive quickly, and I could rant for half an hour about why domain squatting (aka buying domains for regular 20-40$ per year from the registrar, only to sit on it so if someone else wants it they need to buy it from you) is shit and should be outlawed.
Lol not even close.
It's not the cheapest, sure, but there are a lot that are a lot more expensive, like .io or .shop
Definitely needs Paulaner on the drinks list. It's the best Spezi you can get (and thus a good Mezzo Mix alternative).
Then again, Spezi apparently is rarely a thing outside of Germany, and the Germans already know that the Coca Cola Spezi is not the best one, soooo....
They have Lemonade, too?