
joined 2 years ago
[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 3 points 1 week ago

As other people said, getting the mail delivered is the hard part. Check if your mail is received by Google, Microsoft, because apparently they blacklist by default.

You can do everything yourself and then set up a relay for sending, so all mail is sent through someone else who can make sure it is delivered. Then you could get something like purelymail, which is 10$/year to deliver your mail. (I have no relation with purelymail, I am their customer, but it took me quite a while to find a mail relay that is not for sending bulk spam but for real people).

[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 4 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm not here to recommend a NUC (because I don't know), but a thing about the Pis: I have several, some have been constantly running in some form ore another for 10 years, and I have had 0 issues with overheating or SD-cards. Also I only use the official power supplies.

The Pi 4 and 5 have heating issues, so I added passive cooling to them (if I would do heavy tasks like transcoding I would add active cooling, but that is not my scenario).

They are reliable little machines :-)

(Also they are limited in CPU and memory, so I also have a NUC. It's an official Intel so not the kind you want ;-) )

[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 16 points 3 weeks ago

If they would just display the actual drama instead of inventing it, I would watch it! :-)

[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 2 points 1 month ago

Just curious ... what does this mean for signal - does the Guardian Project do funding / infrastructure / code? I don't really know them.

[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 1 points 1 month ago

How do other people like it, so far?

I enjoyed unlocking all the colors, it was a fun new concept (although visually challenging, everything was ugly and weird visual artifacts everywhere).

[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 5 points 1 month ago

.. het is vermoeiend. De hele tijd via de rechter proberen te voorkomen dat je iets aan het milieu moet doen.

BBB wilde toch met Europa praten over de gemaakte afspraken? Hoe is dat eigenlijk gegaan?

[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 2 points 2 months ago

Yeah there are soooo many servers out there. Joining Discord is the way to find them (unfortunately).

[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 4 points 3 months ago

Okay, sure, do fast. Then:

  • I'll add a refactor task to the backlog filed under "tech debt"
  • please confirm again that you know we are still behind on security updates and that you're ok with it because you are responsible for how I spend my hours
  • I'd like more time to spend on bugs before we lose customers.
  • Also I won't touch that buggy part without taking the time for a rewrite because we did it "fast" per your request and it's so hard to maintain now that it becomes a time sink on every minor change
  • I know we are under time pressure right now, but as a stakeholder I request we plan a few sprints for improving reliability of our product
  • It's not "fun" to work on our code. We might lose developers if we do not address this. We both know the good coders will have no problem finding a new job and you'll end up with the bad ones.
  • Either that, or plan for loss of personnel and the extra time we need for the hiring process and the loss of developer hours
[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 7 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Change management! :-)

Or, if possible, change employer.

(And I know we're in meme-land, but I always see it as a developer's task to inform of the trade-off between fast and good)

[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 1 points 3 months ago

Thank you! I've looked into PARA, and ... Area's and Resources seem quite close? The difference is that Area's are driven by duty/responsibility while Resources are driven by interest? How do you divide the two?

I think I already have this division in my work-life. We have tickets that have clear targets (projects), we have a wiki for useful information (long-term).

I will keep it in my head while organizing my private life.

[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

thank you! This sounds very useful, I will try it. And the actual real-life experience of wasting the first 2 tries is very helpful :)


Hello, ADD-"enjoyer" here.

I think I am not alone when, typically, I am constantly overwhelmed. Too many thoughts and impulses. So I don't make a lot of decisions; I usually respond to other people's decisions or I let me guide by suggestions from the people around me.

Now I am in the situation that some things are changing at my work. I have actual influence this time, I could say "next year I want to work on X" and X might actually be my new job.

I have some ideas where to start thinking (start writing down random thoughts and see if I can make a list), but as I am always overwhelmed I am having trouble to "find the right mood". I always get distracted by other thoughts and I always end up doing things entirely unrelated (currently I am baking bread, collecting documents for my insurance, and I am almost ready to pick a new e-mail provider)

Does this feel familiar to anyone? Probably ;-)

I feel like I need the right circumstances. Should I start with some mindfulness-excercises? Walk for a bit? Find an empty room with no distractions? Find some good background music?

How do you deal with this? What works for you?

Thanks for your input :-)

[–] RagingToad@feddit.nl 4 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Don't you need to declare new Balls() first? Or do you suck() Balls static?


The least subtle song of the 90s, both in lyrics and the trumpet.. or do you know less subtle ones?


I am trying to choose between buying a Nintendo Switch or a Nintendo DS.

This may not be the perfect community to ask - but I can't think of any better place.

The reason for my question: I don't want to own obsolete hardware in 10 years. Lately most games seem to depend on a "phone home" feature, which is not really an issue for my pc because it is always connected, but a console is something I want to play always and everywhere.

I already did some searching and found that games can be played offline fine (most of them, some exceptions are there like Multiplayer and Mortal Kombat), but:

  • There is something like the paid Nintendo Online Account. I am not planning on having a paid account. How much of the system depends on the account?
  • Can I have progression in a game (let's say: one of the Zelda franchise) and will my Wife and Kids all have their own progression, without having to pay for X accounts?
  • People who own a Switch, let's take this to extremes, do you feel like in 20 years from now you can still do the same things on your hardware as you can do now? (No multiplayer is fine)

Also, feel free to rant about "paying is not owning", the state of the gaming industry is horrible.

edit: Thank you all for the comments! I don't post a lot, so it was kinda overwhelming :)

For clarity:

  • I meant I want to "buy for life" (not really "life", but, if the hardware survives you can play on pre-internet consoles forever - you can even buy more games if you can find them)
  • I want to buy a physical copy of the games, not download them

I've decided to go with the Nintendo DS for now (I have a DSi - this week I bought a couple of games, 2nd hand). Reasons:

  • I already had it
  • Joycons on switch. Multiple people mentioned having problems with them. I don't count on being able to buy them new in 10 years, meaning they will have to last.

Again: thank you all for the useful input!


How are you enjoying Secret Life until now? I've had a lot of laughs and I only watched Gem and Mumbo. Still need to watch Grian and Etho, they are always very good at being there with all the shenanigans. Anyone else I should watch this time?

(Also this is bad for my real life, so much stuff to watch)


Just curious... Do you play on a multiplayer server? If yes, what kind of? Do you use a modloader on your client?

Are you playing vanilla or modded? (I consider QoL mods like MiniHUD or Xaero's Map almost vanilla but ofcourse not everyone agrees)

I play:

  1. on a whitelisted SMP (I had to look that up.. Survival Multiplayer) which is almost Vanilla (you can use a Vanilla client) - aimed at adult players (25+)
  2. Ocassionally single player just to try out different modded versions or things (I might play create for 2 days and then leave it at that)
  3. Currently playing on a members-only Create server

Oh yeah, only Java. Never played bedrock. I tried for 5 minutes on my phone and it's not for me.



I am hosting a shared Minecraft server (10-15 users usually) on dedicated hardware somewhere at OVH. I am considering moving this server to my home. I would save 25$ per month doing this, which would be my main motivation.

I am aware of other considerations (I'll mention them later) but maybe I am missing something? Is there anyone who did the reverse (hosting a service with multiple users, moving them from your home to a hosting company) and what was your reason

Things I already considered:

  • when my electricity/connection goes down the server goes down (that's ok it's just a game and my connection has always been very very stable)
  • hosting at home eats bandwidth (I have 50mbit which is way more than I use, I don't stream or download much)
  • electricity costs money too
  • when the server is compromised my home network is compromised (handling servers and networks is my hobby and my job, I think I can make it safe)

Thank you for your thoughts!


Ik had het nooit gekocht. Mijn kind zei dat ze het lekker vond dus nu hebben we het in huis.

Waar doe je het op? Brood? "Lekker bij de BBQ" vond ik op internet dus op je half rauwe half verkoolde worstje? Kaas? Pindakaas? Frikandel?


Like I said, it is my personal opinion, but: Villager trading mechanics and iron farms are too strong. They make a large part of the game unnecessary to play and thus should be nerfed.

Without villagers I will have to combine different gameplay mechanics to get my resources (mining for diamonds, iron, redstone, lapis; animals, crops, exploration to get some resources like ender pearls, I need to find XP to get enchantments, etcetera). With villagers you can replace the start- and mid-game with setting up your trading hall, which is not fun at all (everyone hates villager pathfinding and all the little ways they can lose their assigned workstation) and after that you can go directly to beating the dragon and finishing the game.

I have only been playing a couple of years, trading was already there when I started. How was the reception of the villagers trading mechanics? Why did people think this was a good idea?


This is a question that was recently answered on the other non-federated thing in admincraft, but it's inaccesible now :-)

So what's your favorite way to deal with managing your minecraft server?

I have a very basic paper server with floodgate/geyser, I'm updating everything by hand now, but it would be so nice to have a GUI :-)

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