
joined 2 years ago
[–] TJDetweiler 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I can provide no further information that is going to help you see the point.

God speed.

[–] TJDetweiler 5 points 3 weeks ago (12 children)

You're missing the point, especially if you think a fair and just system even exists within the US. If you want to take the stance that "murder is illegal", sure, what he did was illegal. Jury nullification is a way we peons can still hold an iota of power. It's spitting in the face of unjust systems.

Let me ask you this. Would you prefer a situation in which Luigi was convicted for murder, sentenced to life in prison, and the system never changes? Or would you prefer a situation in which exceptions are given in exceptional circumstances in an attempt to change a fundamentally broken system?

If your answer is the former, you might just want to apply at United and work your way up.

[–] TJDetweiler 22 points 3 weeks ago (15 children)

I'm going to copy WoodScientist's post. Don't know how to tag, sorry, but credit goes to him for this.

"I would say that jury nullification isn't just some accident of the legal system, but the primary reason we have juries in the first place.

Judges will say that juries are meant to just decide the simple facts of the case. But what sane person would ever design a system that assigns 12 random untrained nobodies to do that task? If all that mattered was judging the facts of the case, why not have 12 legal scholars instead? Why isn't "juror" a profession, just like being a lawyer or judge is? If we want people to just apply the letter of the law to the facts of a case, why not fill juries with professionals, each who had a legal degree, and who have sat as jurors hundreds of times? Judging evidence and reading law is a skill. And it's one that can be educated on, trained, and practiced. Why do we have amateur juries, when professional juries would clearly do their purported job so much better? Or why not just do what some countries do, and have most or all trials decided solely by judges? What exactly is the point of a jury? Compared to everything else in the courtroom, the jurors, the ones actually deciding guilt or innocence, are a bunch of untrained amateurs. On its face, it makes no damn sense!

No, the true reason, and really the only reason, we have juries at all is so that juries can serve to judge both the accused AND the law. Juries are meant to be the final line of defense against unjust laws and prosecution. It is possible for a law itself to be criminal or corrupt. Legislative systems can easily be taken over by a tiny wealthy or powerful minority of the population, and they can end up passing laws criminalizing behaviors that the vast majority of the population don't even consider to be crimes.

The entire purpose of having a jury is that it places the final power of guilt and innocence directly in the hands of the people. Juries are meant as a final line of defense against corrupt laws passed by a minority against the wishes of the greater majority. An unaccountable elite can pass whatever ridiculous self-serving laws they want. But if the common people simply refuse to uphold those laws in the jury box, those laws are meaningless.

THAT is the purpose of a jury. It is the only reason juries are worth the trouble. A bunch of rank amateurs will never be able to judge the facts of a case better than actual trained legal scholars with years of experience. But by empowering juries, it places the final authority of the law firmly in the hands of the people. That is the value of having a jury at all.

Jury nullification is not just some strange quirk or odd loophole in our justice system. It's the entire reason we have juries in the first place."

[–] TJDetweiler 5 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

This guy sucks Elon's toes

[–] TJDetweiler 0 points 4 weeks ago

Otters might look cute, but they are metal as fuck

[–] TJDetweiler 2 points 1 month ago

Wow, that's actually a really impressive analysis

[–] TJDetweiler 2 points 1 month ago

Unfathomabely based

[–] TJDetweiler 4 points 1 month ago (6 children)

Thanks for the honest reply. I guess a couple thoughts I have on your response.

  1. The screenshot in question was a vegan banning other vegans for not being vegan enough, so this didn't seem like carnist trolls, this seems like multiple people integrated within the vegan community getting banned for having a slightly different opinion.

  2. Is carnists a real term? I don't think I have ever heard of someone who eats exclusively meat, unless this term is meant a different way

Anyway, sorry about the trolling you experience. I am personally not vegan, though I find the endeavor admirable. I think a lot of Lemmy and social media, and social circles in general need to practice a bit of "live and let live"

[–] TJDetweiler 4 points 1 month ago (8 children)

Serious question, not meant to be antagonistic. I'm honestly just curious.

Is the purpose of your community to simply be an echo chamber of similar opinions? Is debate not allowed, or having a different opinion?

I will never visit that community, but this seems like a wild abuse of mod powers. You do whatever you want, I don't care and have no skin in the game, but don't you want to foster discussion on your community? An echo chamber with other vegans doesn't seem conducive to achieving anything, other than maybe a feels good circlejerk. The downvote button exists if you have a different opinion. A straight ban for not toeing the line seems like further isolating your view points from the greater Lemmy community, as well as entrenches the view point a lot of people have that vegans are hostile to non-vegans.

Calling other vegans fake vegans and banning them tho is whack as fuck but pretty hilarious

[–] TJDetweiler 69 points 2 months ago (16 children)

Not one comment in here about Lord of the Rings.

Which I agree with. Amazing movies. Glad everyone's on the same page.

For me, it's James Cameron's Avatar. Visually stunning, especially for its time, but the story has to be the most cliche, predictable, boring, lazy piece of writing to ever have existed. It's like they held an environmentally conscious 11 year old at gun point and made them write a story. The cigar chomping military guy working for corpos wants to pilfer a beautiful planet for its resources with disregard for the native populations that live there. Where have I seen that before? Oh yeah, ALL AROUND ME, EVERY FUCKING GOD DAMN DAY. Get an original idea.

Fuck this stupid piece of shit dumbass movie. It's intellectually insulting. It's a disgrace.


[–] TJDetweiler 0 points 2 months ago

You're right, that is a shit opinion.

[–] TJDetweiler 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Can confirm.

Source: BC resident looking at our eastward neighbours.


I hate vehicles.


Male deer don't fuck around.


Where I live, this comes as no surprise. I've found rats crawling inside the engine bays of mine and my partner's vehicles the last couple weeks.

Apparently putting a few bounce sheets in the engine bay can deter them. Just remember to keep the sheets away from heat, and don't leave them in there if you go for a drive.

My girlfriend rubbed some cat toys on our cats and put it under her hood for a couple nights. No sign of rats going back in since!

If anyone has any other tips for fending them off, drop it below.


Hi all,

As the title states, I'm interested in making the switch from Windows to Linux. I know absolutely nothing about Linux, other than that fact that there are distros that exist under Linux, and Linux itself isn't an OS, or so I think.

I have 2 laptops and my main home office PC, which I use for my job and gaming.

My plan is to switch one of my laptops to a Linux distro, and test it out. This laptops only purpose is web browsing, so I figure getting Linux set up to do something as simple as opening a browser is something I am capable of.

Down the road, once I've sort of learned on this laptop, I may work my way up to using other distros and dual booting my main PC. Who knows, maybe I'll even switch over completely prior to Windows 11 rolling out.

I've heard getting games to work with Linux can sometimes be a hassle, and can require some fiddling, so I won't be doing gaming on a Linux distro until I feel quite comfortable.

So with the above context, I'm looking for recommendations on a distro I should use, any guides that any of you may have found helpful, and generally any insight on things I may need to be aware of.

I am fairly tech savvy (probably not compared to most of you), and am not afraid of tinkering with things until they work. Any help would be muchly appreciated, and if this isn't the correct place to post, please let me know and point me in the right direction.

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