You might find it a little weird being replied too instead of being shadow banned. But it's mostly how we roll here. Freedom of speech on corpoland is impossible but on a proper federated instance is actual freedom.
joined 2 years ago
You sais that right. Pure poetry they will never understand.
Welcome to lemmy !
It will be hard you will have to work very hard now.
That's actually quite genius. Bring some predictability on the market so they can't keep the pump and dump shit going on.
But they have been told soooooo many times by the best news station (fox) and the most trustable youtubers that it's the Democrats that are working for the rich and against them so they MUST support the orange supreme leader. /s
I read that wrong, I'm too used to Americans saying America when they mean the USA.
It does feel weird to upvote something you hate.
I mean SCP500 trading is closed after a major drop sooooo.
They sure don't seem to want them.
US only and still 30$ to 70$ per session !
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To think such a killing machine can look so sweet and cute !