
joined 7 months ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 5 hours ago

Ich habe jetzt auf der Busfahrt die ersten 5 Seiten oder so gelesen

[–] [email protected] 9 points 7 hours ago

Das Kapital steht auch noch auf meiner Leseliste. Ich werde mich jedoch auch um eine kommentierte Version kümmern müssen, weil das dann sonst doch zu kompliziert wird. Das kommunistische Manifest ist schon echt schwere Lektüre und da wird das Kapital nicht viel besser werden.


Ich habe gestern ein kommunistisches Manifest bei einer Veranstaltung der linken bekommen und habe jetzt mal angefangen das zu lesen.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 19 hours ago

Ah, now it works. I checked and it didnt show an update in the Aurora store. Checking the play store made it clear, that there was an update.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 19 hours ago

Dann muss Merz auch ordentlich aufpassen mit seinem "ich baue die Windräder wieder ab"


Since the server maintenance yesterday I can't log into the game. Does anyone else have this problem too?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 20 hours ago

They said that they will support the passing of the law on Friday.

[–] [email protected] 59 points 1 day ago

Bitte legt Widerspruch ein. Macht es Fotzenfritz so schwer wie möglich mit seinem Scheiß durchzukommen.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

Die linken sind echt sehr stabil. Mich stört noch ein bisschen die Position zum Thema Ukraine, aber es ist nicht so schlimm, wie es dargestellt wird.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 day ago

I guess, that he really wants to work together with them. He regularly uses their talking points and hints into the direction that people have to talk with them. The latest homicide (an immigrant killed a man and a 2 year old) is great for shifting the discourse to the right.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

I guess it would fuck up your piss more than your shit

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 day ago

Der Artikel ist echt beschissen. Ich will nicht abstreiten, dass die zunehmende verschlimmerung der welt zu mehr Suchterkrankungen fuehrt, aber nicht jede sucht hat diesen Ursprung.

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago

Sadly a lot of the voters dont care. It is literally the same as in the US, where over 50% voted for a facist.


I havent seen any english Articles about this so Im giving you guys the Infos on this way.

Yesterday our conservative Party (CDU) has passed a suggestion for a law about immigration, which is a plan with 5 points, with the help of the liberals (FDP) and the far right facist party (AfD). Prior to this the CDU chancellor candidate Friedrich Merz has announced, that hes willing to pass this with the support of the AfD. This marks an official end to the so called "firewall against the far right". This law includes, that immigrants who are seeking Asylum are no longer allowed to enter Germany and criminal immigrants who have to leave germany will be detained until they get deported or decide to leave germany by themselves.

The 5 points of the plan are the following:

  • Permament controls at the borders of the German Federal Republic (using the emergency provision of the Schengen Borders Code), de facto ending the free movement of European Citizens;
  • Blocking the access to the country to anyone not possessing adequate documentation (making it near impossible to come and request asylum);
  • Immediate sequestration of anyone required to leave the German soil, ordering the creation of special detention camps to keep up with the induced demand;
  • Request of active participation of the Bundesländer (regions) with information regarding the financing and support to create detention camps;
  • Tightening of the right of residence for offenders and dangerous persons: Offenders and dangerous persons who are obliged to leave the country should remain in an indefinite detention until they return to their home country voluntarily or their deportation can be carried out.

Thanks to @[email protected] for sharing this.

This law is probably illegal (its against our constitution). On Friday it is likely that more laws will be passed with the support of the AfD. The pro putin party (BSW) has also announced, that they are willing to support the laws.

Edit: it isnt a law that has been passed, but a suggestion. However, since the CDU and the AfD are about to be the two major parties it is likely that it will be turned into a law after the election.

Edit: Theres an English article about it by The Guardian


Was habe ich bitte verpasst? Ich bin nur noch verwirrt was hier abgeht.


Der Bauernverband hat eine Übersicht der Parteien (mit Außnahme der linken, keine Ahnung wieso) über die Forderungen der einzelnen Parteien, im Bezug auf einzelne Themen aus dem Bereich Landwirtschaft, zur Bundestagswahl gemacht.

PS: Schaut euch mal den Punkt der FDP zum Thema "Tierwohl" an. Schon lange nicht mehr so gelacht.


Ich bin nun offiziell 1 Genosse o7


Ausnahmsweise gibt es mal geklautes Scheißepfosten.

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