
joined 2 years ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

Before we continue much further into the game we better read the backstory in the game manual! I think maybe it contains a bit of lore that will help us in puzzles that we might otherwise miss…
THIS is a useful addition to a game! Nobody needs keychains or other gimmicks. But having game relevant feelies and backstories is great. The story also doubles as copy protection as on every restore you will be asked for a certain word from a random page.

CHAPTER FOURAt this point, gentle reader, we take our leave of the fair Lacey. Her eyes ablaze with love, her tresses (treated with her mothers new conditioner for oily hair) shining brightly in the moonlight. She clasps her shabby teddy bear, whose ugly little head had been half eaten by Poops, to her meagre chest. We now travel some three hundred miles to the heart of the mountain region were we find Kronos alighting from the back of a flying polar bear.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

…and we had to restart The Pawn. As we did not ask Kronos about THE FRIGGING WRISTBAND! Without that we don’t get the chest that we need to kill the rider with the horse with no legs. Oh how I hate such puzzle designs! Luckily this is a text adventure and we can skip all the exploring and catch up rather quickly.
#magneticscrolls #interactivefiction #commodore #c64

C64 crt screen showing lots of text from the adventure game. Where we ask Kronos about the wristband and he offers to remove it if we kill the man who rides the horse with no legs.


We are not yet continuing with Wonderland, but some days ago I upgraded the black A500 to 1MB of chip RAM by way of mainboard swap. And a quick session on one of the later savegames didn‘t reveal any crashes. Even with lovely graphics enabled! So this bodes well.
#retrogaming #commodore #amiga500 #interactivefiction #magneticscrolls

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

On our way to the palace we come across a hut in the palace gardens. There is a doormat in front under which there is a wooden key. If course it doesn’t fit…

![>take mat You now got the mat. Under it you discover a wooden key.

take wooden key You now got the wooden key. sw The door is closed! open door But the door is locked unlock door with wooden key The wooden key can’t unlock the door. ](

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

In the western part of the country we find a hut with a monk inside. However he starts laughing uncontrollably… we manage to take his bowl of rice though…
Interesting enough the usual enter/leave or in/out directives don’t work in this game.

Inside the hutYou are now inside a dingy old mud hut. A shaven-headed guru wearing an orange robe sits cross-legged in the vent of the floor with a cupboard behind him. Also, a small bowl, full of rice, is on the floor in front of the guru. As you enter, he stands, bored to you and sits again.The guru notices your wristband and breaks it into uncontrollable laughter.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Quickly thereafter we meet Kronos the Magician. He offers us a note that we are supposed to bring to Erik the King.

Kronos the magician zooms past on a circular stone platform that hovers above the ground, executes a steep. banked turn and glides to a halt in front of you."Greetings, stranger", Kronos says in adeep, rich voice. kronos, helloThe magician says,Hello."I am having great trouble in finding someone to perform an extremely simpletask and I wonder if you would help he out. If you deliver this sealed letter to King Erik of Kerovnia, you will be well rewarded when I next meet you on your travels and I would be forever indebted to you."The magician then offers you a sealed

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (6 children)

We start off waking up in Kerovnia without knowing how we got here.

![The Pawn

  • Copyright (c) 1380,4586 Magnetic. Scrolls Ltd. Version 2.3 You wake up on a sunny August morning with birds singing, and the air fresh and clear. However, your joints are stiff and you have not woken up in your bedroom as you would have expected. Trying to recall what happened the night before you manage to piece together the following account: You were walking home, having just done your week's Shopping at the supermarket, nen you noticed a stranger in a white overcoat coming towards you. When he got very close you noticed that he was wearing glasses and had a thick, bushy beard. As he passed you he let out a hollow, cackling laugh and you felt a](

As we are currently stuck due to technical difficulties with Wonderland, we switch to a different Magnetic Scrolls game: The Pawn.
It is a humorous, weird fantasy text adventure set in the mythical kingdom of Kerovnia.
#interactivefiction #magneticscrolls #retrogaming

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

23877 points
#tetris #gameboy #retrogaming

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Also: this is one of the few games that were actually targeted for the EGA 640x350 mode. Also supported Hercules in monochrome. I spent countless hours on the Shareware version as a kid, which had a nag screen appearing after a certain score, making it unplayable. But I loved it. It was a success to get further into the next room.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

One of my favorite childhood games: The Game of Robot by TOM Productions. German shareware action adventure. Bit like Zelda meets Boulderdash and Robots (UNIX)
#shareware #gameofrobots #retrogaming #msdos

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (2 children)

@[email protected] yes it requires a bit more advanced solder skills. If you never soldered before I would advise not to try it. But GameGears can be repaired very well. Lots of replacement parts available. And with a new TFT screen they are immense fun, I think. Pick up a cheap flash cart and go nuts! Total invest with screen and flash cart is not cheap though. Will come to about 120€. Doing only the capacitor replacements is only about 8€ in materials.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 month ago (1 children)

@[email protected] yes, might be the same screws. Definitely a kind of security bit. The smaller 3.8mm variant is I think also used on GameBoy cartridges.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 1 month ago (7 children)

By the way: if you want to open up a GameGear you need a 4.5mm bit that’s shaped like… a flower…? Not sure what this is called.

Some screws and a screwdriver with a flower shaped bit


I just unpacked @[email protected]'s GameGear. It is dead, and most probably suffers from crappy capacitors. I already have a full replacement set here, so I will post some updates in the next days to weeks. Let's see if the LCD screen is still viable, or a TFT mod is also required.
#retrogaming #retrocomputing #sega #segagamegear


TIL there was an Apple II version of Maniac Mansion.

#retrogaming #maniacmansion


Alright, here goes "Wonderland" by Magnetic Scrolls. While arguably less famous than #infocom, their titles were quite highly regarded. They came with a fancy windowing system of their own. We start off playing Alice, accompanied by her sister on a meadow.
#retrogaming #commodore #amiga500 #interactivefiction


I am trying to get OMF2097 to run on RetroPie with two no-name PS3 gamepads... The gamepads work fine in Emulation Station. They do things in DOSBox-pure. However both are mapped to the SAME keys. DB-Pure even has OMF2097 mappings, one using WASD and the other numpad. However it seems both controllers are treated as WASD. What am I doing wrong?
#retropie #retrogaming


2025 starts with a bang:

#retrogaming #commodore #vic20


I have to try this on my 286 with @[email protected]'s CGA Redux card:
#retrocomputing #retrogaming #cga #doom


Quick reminder: There are TWO excellent casual JRPGs on the C64: Briley Witch 1 & 2. Even for me as a newbie when it comes to CRPGs it was great fun. Lots of story, easy to get into, sane fighting mechanics.
The games are currently on sale:
#retrogaming #commodore #c64


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