When my sister first got her TI-82, she had to solve the equation ((3 x 30) + 5) x (850-7). It turned her lesbian. We should all boycott scientific calculators, too!
The Onion
The Onion
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niiiiiice 8008135
This isn't sarcasm. This is literally the line of thinking from Republicans
TRANSistors!?! Electronics are of the devil, burn them all! /s
Now they're putting their transmission in our cars!?!
This also further explains their hatred of public TRANSit
Religious fanatics have been saying “technological progress = evil” since the beginning of time.
Better rip the transmission out your truck before the gay gets to it.
The torque CONVERTER is coming for your kids!
Drag races are corrupting our youth!
they refuse to leave home and become part of the transit system
Though they have cut down on trans fats which is good.
Keyboard app makers shohld do an 'oopsie' and agressively auto-correct spelling errors to 'trans'.
I have to look up the trans schedule for tomorrow.
The woke keyboard industry indoctrinating our kids
I am surprised some haven't started because a trans-woman contributed significantly to the basics of modern computer chip design.
This is the onion, but it’s not even unbelievable. The Venn diagram of hard maga, flat earthers, and inbred Neo nazis is basically a circle…
"At press time, sources confirmed conservatives across the nation were trying to escape the woke conspiracy of left-wing letters by renouncing the English language entirely."
From the way he forms(?) sentences, it seems like Trump has a significant head start on this.
Conservatives ban words after notici
Conservatives about to remove the S key because all the other letters are in their favorite slurs
S key is needed to make them plural though
That would be amazing, I'll certainly do my part and spread this truth wherever I can