Ubisoft stock tanks to 10 year low!
*Zooms out*
Yeah it's definitely star wars outlaws guys
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Ubisoft stock tanks to 10 year low!
*Zooms out*
Yeah it's definitely star wars outlaws guys
Not specifically SW: Outlaws, but they were given something that previously only EA made meh games with, and they decided to also make a meh game. Ubisoft really likes their meh games. See also: Assassin's Creed #25, coming out this year!
And even EA made some decent games with the IP. I loved Jedi Fallen Order. Haven’t played Jedi survivor yet but from what I’ve gathered, it’s definitely not a total flop and even Battlefront 2-2 was decent enough.
I feel like lukewarm is the best Ubisoft has managed in about a decade now so seems like it should have been within expectations.
People give Anno 1800 too little credit, other than that I agree.
Anno sure is great, sadly it's not on a platform I'm willing to play on.
I've been enjoying Far Cry 3 even with the multiplayer servers shut down. Did they ever make another game that isn't also Far Cry 3?
Phoenix rising was a pretty good ancient Greek BOTW experience. Best game they put out in 2020. Better thrash Valhalla or WD Legion
I thought it was fine but it could have been great had it understood why people actually liked BOTW. The idea that you can just highlight every object in a 1km radius around you completely kills exploration, you're incentivized to just go from map marker to map marker instead of actually exploring the world.
When I hear "UbiSoft" the first word I think of is "lukewarm". Mediocre, inoffensive junk food gaming that's rarely so bad that it's unplayable but also never meaningful, interesting or memorable.
This has been their m.o. for decades, I don't know what people were expecting?
For real. I played through Far Cry 5 recently, and as much as I enjoyed it it still felt like some exec saw Far Cry 3 and said "make this appeal broader and sell more."
Having played every single FC game, I think FC5 was the worst in the series. It's so bland and loses everything that made the series fun, including exotic locale.
I think Blood Dragon is the best overall, and FC4 is the next best for gameplay. FC3 is great, but people overrate it and either didn't play it or don't remember it. Vaas isn't even the main boss. He's a sub-boss and you literally only see him like 3 times. I think Hurk has more development than Vaas.
FC2 is an underrated gem I wish people would have patience for, cause for all it's frustrations and faults, no other FC is what FC2 was trying to be, and it's such a unique experience.
The original premise was "you set out to accomplish something and everything keeps going wrong." FC2 does this better than any of the others.
My biggest consistent gripe with the series is the lack of main boss development. They tease the shit out of the main enemy every time, but it winds up being barely a part of the story. I wish there was more character development and buildup to the end. But ultimately, FC is about the gameplay, kind of like Just Cause. We're hardly there for the story.
Also FC6 was excellent and a massive improvement in fun over FC5. I don't care what most people say.
FC1 campaign was not fun, but building and sharing custom maps on Instincts Predator on Xbox 360 back then was so much fun.
Not releasing your new game on the largest game market in the world is a bold choice as well.
Damn, it’s down 45% over the last year as well. They seem to have released a few flops recently; and their notable IPs kinda just aren’t exciting anymore.
It doesn't help that they have said a lot of just straight up anti-consumer stuff in the last year.
They shut off the Crew 2 and even planned on deleting the game from people's libraries. They've added micro transactions to (I think) every single Ubisoft game in the last decade. They were pro NFTs and wanted it rolled out to games. Their Ubisoft launcher. Toxic and sexist environment.
Every few years, they make a better Assassins Creed or Far Cry that moves the open-world genre forward. But that's the only positive thing I can say.
Really enjoyed Farcry 5 but Farcry 6 was ok gameplay wise but the story was really underwhelming especially with the amazing talent they got in Giancarlo Esposito.
The real problem with Ubisoft games is that they are all 95% reskins. If you’ve played one farcry game you’ve played most of every farcry game, same with assassins creed, etc.
Now those games often end up having relatively fun mechanics so when another farcry comes out I’ll still play it because it’s a fun game to me.
I do wonder how much they are just hitting a saturation point where the same couple games reskinned over and over are just underwhelming
Pivoting into NFTs didn't help.
Great. EA should be next but sports games fans won't let it happen.
Wait till Assassin's Creed Shadows flops miserably. Ubisoft is a couple of € billions in debt.
I only hope they release Anno 117 and new HoM&M before they fail completely.
Shadows is them getting desperate. That game had been requested and expected since the ezio storyline when they came for him. Instead they released a side scroller and didn't think twice about it. Now they're struggling immensely and are trying to recover. I really want it to flop to hopefully drive a nail in the coffin.
Maybe don't charge $145 for a digital product. Maybe charge $50, and sell it to 5x the people. It quite literally costs nothing (okay, pedantically, the tiniest fraction) to sell more units.
I'd play an okay Star Wars game for $50 day 1. Wouldn't you?
And then when it goes on sale, loads of people would pay $20 on a 60% sale price next year. Whose paying $60 at a 60% off sale for a year old okay Star Wars game? No one. Not one soul.
Oh, you can get it cheaper for subscribing to Ubisoft+. Fuck off with that bullshit, do you even hear yourself?
I think that's kind of a shame.
I don't care for Ubisofts bland and lazy open world design formula, but SW:O appears to not do a lot of the usual open world BS that they're known for.
I only get this from Skillup's review and he had a host of problems with gameplay, but I also got the sense that this is a game that will be remembered fondly by a subset of the star wars fandom.
Hopefully the lesson that Ubi learns isn't "see, we should stick with what works. Another generic open world Assassins Creed RPG-Lite".
I think you and I both know that's exactly what they're going to do.
Who even invests in ubisoft? If you know anything about games you would know ubisoft is crap company and if you dont know, why would you risk your money to something you have no idea about.
At least they actually make games. If the only 2 gaming companies you know are EA and Ubisoft, I see how Ubisoft can look good.
I mean it's the first time in a long time someone other than EA got the star wars licence, and they make a bland, unexciting game. I can't imagine Disney is very happy.
If it's bland and unexciting then it fits very well into Disney Star Wars and Disney should be very happy about it being so on brand.
Get fucked ubisoft
Wow, if I ignored everything that was posted outside of Lemmy, I would have thought this was a great game that everyone should be buying.
Good thing I knew this would flop. Its especially funny considering Outlaws' marketing campaign was Ubisoft most expensive marketing campaign ever.
I had never heard of this game until about three days ago
I bought it on PS5 and I’m having fun playing it. Sure, it doesn’t do anything new, the gameplay is very familiar and the enemy AI is dumb as rocks, but you get to play in the Star Wars universe, the locations look great and the story so far seems decent enough (although I’m not that far into the game yet).
Not every meal needs to be a 3 Michelin star gourmet affair, sometimes having a Big Mac with fries is perfectly fine.
Not every meal meeds to be a 3 Michelin star gourmet affair, sometimes having a Big Mac with fries is perfectly fine.
I don't think you really understand what you're saying because this is an even bigger insult to Outlaws than anything I have ever said about the game.
Imagine a food served by a restaurant claiming to have 4 Michelin stars (Outlaws is a AAAA game -made up thing just like 4 Michelin stars- afterall) being compared to a Big Mac. That's hilarious.
This is a $70 game with a 'season pass' and the ultimate edition is $130. That's hardly big mac price.
In an alternate universe I just got a 10 kill streak with Ahsoka on the Siege of Mandalore map in Battlefront III. Star Wars Eclipse is coming out in a few months, and gameplay demos show that it looks every bit as good as the trailer.
You can block tainted production companies on steam, this removes all their slop from the store page and vastly improves the marketplace.
Ubisoft was the first shit-hole prod company I ever blocked and it was glorious.
Ubisoft doesn't often make bad games but they never make great games either, they are always 4/10, 5/10, 6/10. The only thing that I can give a better score to is Child of Light. Took long enough for this shit to start losing money.