Don’t worry, voters will definitely hand both houses to the Republicans in 2026 if she’s elected and they’ll take their orders directly from Trump.
Because that’s what always happens.
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Don’t worry, voters will definitely hand both houses to the Republicans in 2026 if she’s elected and they’ll take their orders directly from Trump.
Because that’s what always happens.
I just hope Trump is dead by 2026.
There could always be some other MAGA asshole to fill the void, but the dissolution of Trump's cult of personality would be a crippling blow.
There's always an asshole. Newt Gingrich, Mitch McConnell, Donald Trump. And our electoral system and goldfish-memory population will continually put them into power.
Newt, Mitch and the others only have their local GOP cult, they don't have the national cult that the orange turd does.
Okay, Rush, Hannity, and Alex Jones & The Turds.
There will always be an asshole. That's the entire reason we even have government in the first place.
That's not what happened in 2022, at least not quite. Don't underestimate Trump's ability to insert himself and mess up whatever easy wins the GOP would otherwise have.
she could be a great president if she issues an arms embargo against Israel
I mean, that's a good looking sandwich
You and I have very different ideas of what a good sandwich looks like. I'd still vote for it though.
Too god damn true. That's mainly why I voted for Harris on my main-in ballot. She's not Trump, that's the primary reason.
Yep. She's not my ideal candidate, but she is better in every single way when compared to Trump.
Since it's easier to break things than to maintain, fix, or create, the choice is obvious.
Absent of any anti-Trump arguments, I'd like to hear the case for Kamala being a truly great President. A few policy positions she, in particular, is notable for?
Start with what makes a good president? Obviously there's the issues and all that which people focus on, but that's subject to debate. Objectively, some qualities are definitely good, like being good at both urgent and non-urgent decision making, good at managing/organizing/handling chaos, capable of outsmarting adversaries, being a unifying force rather than a divisive one. Just to name a few. So let's look at those:
I'll avoid comparing Trump who is obviously severely deficient in all of these respects. But I could go further and say she obviously compares favorably to Biden too, and compared to Obama, I'd give her an edge on outsmarting adversaries and managing, and Obama probably gets the edge on the other 2. But we'll see.
She used to be a prosecutor. That means she can see things from both sides and look at things objectively and not make rash decisions. It's a good quality for a president.
She will most likely not be a great president, but could be a good one. If Biden wasn't so poor on the Middle East, he would have been a great one, from a policy perspective.
Biden never was going to be a great president, lacking a a majority in both houses means you burn up too much political capital to get anything done that doesn't already have broad bipartisan support. And with how divided politics is today compared to any point in history where we had a great president, there is no such thing as bipartisan today.
I’m fine with how Afghanistan went. The military would have dragged it out for another 10 years. I’d much rather have a suboptimal quick withdrawal.
"Objectively" is such a fun way to describe what will always be a divisive position of power. Was any one president considered objectively good?
Well, Al Gore was voted president, and he didn't make any objectionable decisions while George Bush was living in his house and working in his office.
I do wonder what the world would look like if Al Gore had been president.
Grant's administration was deeply imperfect - corruption ran deep - but he eradicated the first KKK. I feel like that's an objective good, and anyone who disagrees isn't worth listening to.
"Voting for the Lesser Evil is still Evil"
Makes sense.
I throw out all my old uneaten perfectly edible still in the packaging food that hasn't expired yet instead of donating it to a local food bank because if I can't give the nutrition-insecure folks a gourmet dinner, why should I even fucking bother?
A ham sandwich can be eaten. Eating is good. That's 1 pt ham sandwich, 0 gop. Ham sandwich does more for Americans than gop.
And that's cool...
As long as when people want her to align more closely with the Dem voting base, you don't yell at them for questioning the only option and imply they're trying to help trump.
That bullshit only depresses Dem turnout and actually helps trump.
It's just completely nonsensical to hear all the "moderates" claim they'd vote for anyone not trump, then go feral when someone points out banning fracking would hand the Dems Pennsylvania which trump needs to win the election.
There are multiple issues like that where if Kamala moved to the left she'd lock this election down.
If you truly only care about beating trump, your time online would be more productive trying to pull the party left than trying to pull tens of millions of voters to the right...
With the obvious benefit of getting those popular policies on top of beating trump.
If it's not been posted already...
Banning sales of arms to Israel would not only attract a huge proportion of otherwise reluctant leftists, but might even steal votes from Trump as a small but not insignificant number of voters have been fooled by his 'started no wars' con. The idea that doing so would lose some key demographic is clearly not supported by the data.
But the Democratic strategists are not idiots. They must know this. So one of two things is the case; the polling is wrong, or the Democrats have absolutely no desire to move leftward on this and are willing to risk a Trump win to hold out on their position.
We can rule out the first because if the Democrats had better poll data they'd share it. Nothing to lose by doing so.
So we're left with the second.
Odd then that the online vitriol is delivered not to the Democrats for cynically risking a Trump victory, but to leftists for being opposed to genocide.
The idea that doing so would lose some key demographic is clearly not supported by the data.
They wouldn't lose significant voters, theyd lose a bunch of donations...
It doesn't cost a billion plus to beat donald trump, but the more money there is, the bigger everyone's slice is and the bigger the bonuses for personally bringing more money is.
The DNC isn't being run to get Dems in office, it's a fucking grift where sometimes we do get a Dem in office.
Just never one who's political policy matches Dem voters.
Look at current DNC leadership, it's not people that know how to win elections, it's just whoever can bring in the most donations.
The result is ridiculously expensive and incompetent campaigns. The solution is clearing house at the DNC.
Do people really put the veggies underneath the cheese and the meat? Have I been sandwiching wrong my whole life?
Same with a burger. Your lettuce should be dry (pat it with a paper towel if you must) and put it as the bottom layer. This creates a moisture barrier that stops your bread/bun from turning into a soggy mess.
On a sandwich, the cheese should be on the other side for the same reason. Keep all the wet stuff from turning your bread into slop.