He didn't do the assignment. Those parents can get bent.
Fuck AI
"We did it, Patrick! We made a technological breakthrough!"
A place for all those who loathe AI to discuss things, post articles, and ridicule the AI hype. Proud supporter of working people. And proud booer of SXSW 2024.
But I heard the kid was responsible for writing all the material the AI was trained on!
"a grade of 65 out of 100 on the assignment—has harmed his chances of getting into Stanford University and other elite schools."
No, using AI tools harmed his chances...
Ehh, the AI did its job as a tool.
The kid harmed his chances by being a tool.
They didn't even give him the 0 he deserved?
Right? He didn't earn the knowledge for himself (which is the whole point of school) so he was lucky, IMO, to even get that undeserved 65.
It's been a while since teachers were allowed to give out 0s in highschool. When I taught 12 years ago the lowest I was allowed to give was a 65. Even if nothing was turned in.
I can't imagine how bad of a student I would have been if "literally don't do it" was a 65. That's insane.
I imagine this must depend on the location of the school in question. Im in my mid 20s, so my high school experience was more recent than 12 years ago, but I remember getting quite a few zeros (was an absolutely horrible procrastinator who would tend to respond to the stress of having a due date coming up by doing anything else to not think about the source of said stress, which led to a lot of simply not turned in schoolwork)
What fucking snowflakes. When I was a kid, if you had someone write your paper for you, you got a 0 for the assignment. When you go to college, they'll fail you out of the course for that shit (because its cheating).
The only ones harming this kid's future is the parents trying to coddle their kid and protect them from the (rather light) consequences of their actions.
They want this kid to get into Stanford?? 🤣🤣🤣
He cheats from young. Great ivy shit material. Maybe if he rapes somebody he’ll get to be a supreme court justice.
connections over merit
Liar, cheater, and lawsuit wielder? Perfect Ivy League material. Thats how political and managerial elites are made from.
... allege that the Hingham High School student handbook did not explicitly prohibit the use of AI to complete assignments.
These are the type of people that force manufacturers to put wildly insane warnings of what not to do with their products.
Idiots. The entire family.
Way to Streisand Effect the incident for potential universities.
"Our kid will cheat and we'll sue you for calling him out" looks great on a college application.
No no, see, what ivy league colleges will see is "we have 'fuck you' money and we're willing to blow it on our kid's education".
I hope these parents get their legs kicked out from under them. The kid cheated and got caught.
These kids need to learn what "fuck around and find out" means by themselves. Sheltering them from consequences does a lot of damage later on.
OK, the parents are suing. And the district already filed a motion to dismiss.
Please understand, the world isn't a nuts as the headlines tell us. Judges toss frivolous lawsuits all day long. We only hear about the nut cases because they're nut cases. Money says this case is never heard.
Bad parenting. Not only did they not talk to their kid about what constitutes honourable academic conduct, not only did they not talk to their kid about the pitfalls of using generative AI, especially in an academic context, they are now teaching their brat that the proper response to fucking up is to blame the rules, to blame the school, to blame other people. Bad parents.
I wonder, have these people no shame?
Looks like the handbook does explicitly mention it:
Academic Integrity: Cheating and Plagiarism To cheat is to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage. In an academic setting, cheating consists of such acts as communicating with other student(s) by talking or writing during a test or quiz; unauthorized use of technology, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), during an assessment; or any other such action that invalidates the result of the assessment or other assignment. Plagiarism consists of the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author, including Artificial Intelligence, and the representation of such as one’s own work. Plagiarism and cheating in any form are considered disciplinary matters to be addressed by the school. A teacher apprehending one or more students cheating on any graded assignment, quiz or test will record a failing grade for that assignment for each student involved. The teacher will inform the parent(s) of the incident and assistant principal who will add the information to the student’s disciplinary file. The assistant principal may take further action if they deem it warranted. See Code of Discipline.
Unless the school used one of those ai detection services that are known for giving false positives, I'll side with the school.
The kid used AI. The lawsuit doesn't argue they didn't and are being unfairly punished. They're arguing that there weren't any rules explicitly saying they couldn't use AI.
Sounds like rich parents mad at the world cuz their kid fucked up. How can they ruin our perfect Billy's life over a decision he made, knowing full well it was wrong!!!! Now he might have to go to a less prestigious college... Boohoo!
My wife teaches, and she can spot the AI essays at a distance, it's not hard.
This is one reason why people don't want to be teachers and why education is going down the toilet. Entitled parents who run to lawyers in our hyperlitigious society every time their spawn is slightly inconvenienced.
These fucking dickbrain parents. What do they think, they win the lawsuit and Stanford doesn’t realize the kid took a shortcut?
None of my friend's parents growing up would sue the school, but they were all the type of parents to go in and argue with teachers over grades. It was usually to go from a B to an A or some bullshit.
My parents on the other hand were more like, you fucked that up didn't you if I didn't do well on something. I would have been mortified if they argued about grades on my behalf.
Great job parents, now your kid will learn nothing from this teachable moment.
Kid learns nothing by cheating on the assignment.
Well, at least the bad grade and detention will be a teachable moment.
Parents: Hold my daytime wine.
Perhaps it is also that LLMs are horrible at making any kind of argument and probably wrote a shit paper, never mind the plagiarism? Frankly a 65 is a high mark for doing something like this
Parents with more money than sense.
They think their AI dependent son is qualified to go to an elite school.
Article doesn't say if he used AI to wholesale write his paper, which obviously is cheating, or if he used it as a resource like Google. Some details would be nice here.