I mean, it looks silly out of context, but these signs go up at visitor entrances asking you to please not make sick people sicker with new disease and put workers at even more risk.
funny, silly, whatevs.
keep it comedic
My favorite thing during peak covid was when you needed to do a test, so they put you in a waiting room full of other people who probably have covid just to make sure you're leaving with it
My hermit lifestyle worked out really well for me during the pandemic.
Same. Because I’d given up driving and switched to rideshare, I was incredibly isolated and unable to go anywhere that I couldn’t walk. I made it almost three years before I got it.
Is putting 'visitors' on a sign like this a good idea when the internet loves to take things out of context for laughs?
Probably something a sign making company should keep in mind, but I'm glad they don't.
Yeah, the reality is nobody gives a single f about what's going on in the internet, in the real world.
That's why they were all surprised when Donald Trump won 2016. They didn't understand that the 4chan president was using 21st century tactics that old fashioned politicians couldn't compete with.
I got a new doctor as primary care physician, then called to make appointment because I was sick for 3 weeks and wasn’t getting better (not covid). Nurse said he won’t see me because of that, and I need to go elsewhere 🤦
Looks like you need a new new doctor.
Well yeah, that's what the doctor said too!
It's interesting how so much content has suddenly appeared blaming hospitals and not insurance companies for the shitty state of the healthcare system...
Hospitals are also run by unethical companies
The whole system is broken to the core, with lots of bad actors making it worse: insurers, providers (hospitals, clinics, labs, even nursing homes and hospices), drug companies, medical device manufacturers, and all the different scammers who operate in the space trying to rip off patients in addition to all of the above. All the money sloshing around in American health care attracts all the scammers, which creates a death spiral where the cat and mouse game on either side creates so much overhead that there's a lot of money in it, which attracts scammers to complete the cycle.
Please get out of here with your sickness problems, we’re trying to make money.
Imagine going to the hospital when you’re sick.
Thanks I’ll go die instead. I’ll make sure to pay my insurance premium before I go.
It would be awesome if there was some place where you could go if you are unwell, they will figure out what is wrong with you, fix your health issues and send you home.
Wouldn't that be amazing? One can only dream...
Stop: Please do not enter our fire station if you are on fire. Please go back home and call for an appointment for an experienced fireman to come to your house and extinguish you.
- Disclaimer: Wait times may be between 3 and 7 days, depending on your insurance provider.
Uh... That's less about American healthcare and more about Covid hysteria tbh.
Not stacking infections makes a lot of sense for a lot of people
Do not feed the troll 🤣 This guy’s not doing great.