Saw eurotrip not that long ago. Great memories and quotable to no end. One of her best showings.
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Worst twins, ever.
Terrible, RIP.
"natural causes" seems like a strange way to describe someone dying at 39.
recently underwent a liver transplant
It could be "natural" for someone with liver problems and organ donations don't always work. But I don't care much for celebrity gossip.
But enjoyed a lot of her work. RIP.
Pretty sure she had a problem with alcohol
The phrase "natural causes" here refers to it being a medical reason not caused by a murder, accident, or suicide, just the body failing for whatever other reason.
That makes sense to me. I'm just not used to hearing it for anything but old age, I guess. It would also hit my ear weird if they used that phrasing for cancer, heart failure, stroke, etc.
... liver transplant ...
I don't know anything about her medical conditions, but that's a big hint.
I suppose something like sepsis after an operation would qualify as "natural causes".
That fuckin' sucks. Eurotrip was an awesome movie
Wow, that's terrible. There had been rumblings about a Buffy sequel show (without Whedon)... but I guess she won't be a part of that now, if it ever happens.
I was one of the Dawn supporters. :( RIP
A damn shame when anyone dies that young. She in particular seemed like a nice person, or at least I've never seen any negative articles about her.
Awful news.
Yeah if you are at the point of having to swap out an entire organ you are not going to have a great time.
It is a shame that she died young but entropy and death does not care for the money you have.
She can at least be free of never being alone in a room with Joss Whedon ever again but life would be more fair if he was the one who died alone on the floor.
Damn! RIP Harriet the Spy
Aww well that is really sad, I'd been a fan of hers since Pete & Pete.
One of my first childhood crushes watching Weeds (its suprisingly child friendly past the showtime horniness, think 2 kids on the show growing up with me helped), I think every girl irl ive been attracted to looks a bit like her actually. Morphed my brain chemistry for sure.
I just looked her up yesterday. This is super sad.