Until you start playing an MMO and turn it to a new job.
Sub for any gaming related content!
- 1: No spam or advertising. This basically means no linking to your own content on blogs, YouTube, Twitch, etc.
- 2: No bigotry or gatekeeping. This should be obvious, but neither of those things will be tolerated. This goes for linked content too; if the site has some heavy "anti-woke" energy, you probably shouldn't be posting it here.
- 3: No untagged game spoilers. If the game was recently released or not released at all yet, use the Spoiler tag (the little ⚠️ button) in the body text, and avoid typing spoilers in the title. It should also be avoided to openly talk about major story spoilers, even in old games.
If you retire with no SS, medicare, an insurance that is required to cover you, medicaid to keep the doors open for even a retirement home to care for you, and your 401K is destroyed from the plunging depression that's on the rise... it might be cool to worry a bit.
I'll be riding my bike till I feel and die.
I've never understood people who get bored in retirement. I looked forward to it from the very start of my career, and now that I am retired I've gotten so into hobbies and interests that it feels like there still isn't enough time for everything.
Yeah, I also have 5 hobbies and many more interests. I am only scared that I don't have enough energy left in me once I retire.
It's amazing how much energy you get from waking up without the obligation to go somewhere and work on somebody else's shit all day because you have to. Gives me a big smile every morning!
Here's to hoping we still have the physical ability to engage with those hobbies and interests.
Retirement home LAN parties... That's the dream
Invites all around! Remind me in 20 years.
Dude. Yes.
That’s what I keep going for
Hopefully all your friends are still around
That might be a problem. What friends?
You can make some at true retirement home. Sad part is, our generation isn't getting any of those, most of us will be working till we drop.
Gaming and smoking a shit ton of weed in retirement is gonna be great… if we still have social security and access to 401k’s at that point lmao
That sounds like what I do now except I have to start at 4:45 instead of when I wake up...
If they cut the system, we'll get the money in our pay. So at least we can control it. Just don't spend it on games that will hit your backlog and sit for years. I'm personally guilty btw.
Just don't spend it on games that will hit your backlog and sit for years.
What do you think I plan on doing in my retirement?
Right. Some people update their 401k, in over here updating my back log....only 40 more years until I retire. Or die at 90.
My father is retired and still needs to use PowerPoint. He is very bad at retirement.
I'll restart and 100% stardew valley or die trying. Always wanted to commit to it, never did.
I don't think any amount of achievable retirement savings is enough to give me confidence that I could cover escalating health care costs enough that I could retire. Even if I had $10M in the bank, I would worry that the cost of health care will rise fast enough to impoverish me.
You just move to a county with actual Healthcare as part of your retirement. Won't even need 5 mil.
By the time I retire I hope we're in or moving towards a mix of solarpunk and star trek like utopia
Everyone I know who retired is at least as busy as before.
The notion that without a job, people just sit around bored, is capitalist propaganda.
I somehow end up busier whenever I have long stretches of time off. Idle hands create hundreds of projects.
And then you die because a blood clot that formed in your leg came loose and shot up into your brain, because you’ve been sitting for weeks playing videogames.