Lotta lactose intolerant people put fruit juice on cereal. I tried it on a long cross-country trip with my wife - tastes pretty good, and no worries about milk going bad.
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Fruit juice should be refrigerated once opened and does go bad in several days
Well we're still alive and well, what can I say.
Bullshit; I'm lactose intolerant and I would never do something so insane. Almond and Oatmilk exist—and even if it's not available—I'll still drink cow's milk and deal with the consequences later.
Oh, shit, didn't realize it was about you?! Oh, wait...
I'm sorry, I didn't realize I wasn't allowed to share a relevant anecdote.
Theres a certain subset of people who think you need permission to post on a public forum. its weird.
She eats cereal like she's actually living in the last of us. I wonder if she also eats cold, expired beans directly out of a can she opened with a hunting knife
Go to jail. Go directly to jail. Do not pass GO. Do not collect $200.
Bless her heart
Post this on Facebook. I've learned that everyone on there fucking hates Ramsey because she's a little odd looking and was cast to play a teenage character (Ellie) who they really wanted to fuck, I guess.
I first saw her as Lady Mormont in game of thrones and knew she was going places
Such a shame people are so bigotted. Ramsey is an absolute fantastic actor and I can't imagine any other actor their age getting Ellie's character so spot on.
That being said, the thought of orange juice in my cereal makes my teeth hurt.
Honestly, I think those guys were all in on the hate well before the TV show was even announced.
The sequel's plot really triggered that part of the internet...
Did she play The Flash as well?
Tangent: I swear by orange juice in coffee instead of creamer. It deals with the bitter coffee taste by just making it Very Taste. It doesn't taste good, quite the opposite. (My fiancée accidentally tasted my coffee once and immediately puked.) But it certainly does taste
For Maximum Taste, add HP Brown Sauce.
straight to jail.
Yo my dude wtf
This might be sardonically called atrocity, which is considerably better than the status quo, that being a literal atrocity.